Friday, May 24, 2013

That Is The Question

*image by Em the Gem

It's Friday! It's a long weekend! Yippee :)

Because I'm about to graduate, start new adventures, move back home, have some new readers, and love sharing life with all of you, I've decided to open it up today to any and all questions you may have for me.  You can ask me about my personal life, family, my future plans (the million dollar question for a soon-to-be-college-graduate, I presume!), my college experience, living in Seattle or Los Angeles, any questions you have about design, blogging, or my cute pup. Ask away! I'm an open book and will be answering all your questions in a few weeks. If you want to email me instead, you can do so at michaelawarner90 {at}

Hope you have a lovely weekend. I'm at home with my fam, but am busy working on a ton of homework. What a way to spend Memorial day weekend! What are your plans?!

See you back here on Monday!


  1. Hi Michaela,
    first: I really love your blog and I am really looking forward to your new posts!
    I am currently a students in human biology in my last bachelor's semester, but I found that this isn't really what I want to do.
    If I made the decision based only on what I like most, my clear choice would be studying interior design as well. The problem is, that there seems to be no need for interior designer at all, the market is very bad (I am from Germany, it seems that people prefer to design there home themselves ;) )
    The good thing is, that university is for free in Germany, but still I want to make sure to find a job, because I won't be that young after my second degree, so I can't risk to start another new thing afterwards.
    My question is, how did you feel when you had to decide what to study? Did they tell you, you won't get any jobs when you first started as well? What do you expect from the job market when you graduate soon?

    Best Wishes!

  2. Excited for you and praying for you as you enter this next chapter of life! Praying the Lord leads you where He can use you best! :)

    1. Forgot to include my question :)

      How do you decorate a home in the current trends (ex: lots of whites and bright color/pattern) yet not make it so trendy that you will have to redecorate when the trend changes again?

      I'm LOVING all of the clean lines, whites, color/patterns, and golds. But hesitant to jump on board due to the ever changing trends. My home (and my parents home) has always been very traditional (taupe, deep browns, leathers, etc). Help! :)

  3. Michaela,

    Ever since I discovered your blog (several months ago), you've been a inspiration to me. I love your fresh, natural attitude in life. Reading your blog is such a moodlifter!
    Okay, my question: what piece of advice would you give to those still studying in college? How do you handle the ups and downs in life? And what's your number one source of inspiration and motivation, outside of family?

    Thanks for opening up to us! I'm looking forward to reading your answers.


  4. Congratulations on your success! I wish you the job you want in the location you want...where and what is that?
    Have a great weekend.
    xo Nancy

  5. I am so excited for you that you are graduating and moving on to bigger and better things!! You have been such an inspiration to me as I started college and now as I'm going into my junior year! (WHAAAT?) I guess my question for you would be, what do you wish you had accomplished, or did accomplish, and what were the things you learned the most in your last two years of college?

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend! Don't spend all of it doing homework!! :)

  6. Hi! When are you moving to Memphis? Thanks!

  7. Thank goodness its Friday! congrats on the graduation! So exciting!


  8. Have you ever done any decorating projects on a volunteer basis, such as for a women and children's shelter or for people transitioning out of homelessness and into independent housing?

  9. Congratulations on your graduation!! There are so many questions I have, but I would love to know what has been the key for blogging success or how did you realized this could grow big. Do you plan your posts, do you have a schedule? I started following your blog few months ago and I've noticed your following list grew a lot since then! How did you make it happen!

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  12. Hi Michaela!


I'm also a big fan of your blog and all of the beautiful photos and projects that you feature. I'm currently in my last year of my bachelors degree studying textile sciences at a University in Canada. Ever since I could remember I was obsessed with interior design and was always doing little projects. I've been able to learn a lot about the industry though my textile program and am interning for an amazing company this summer. Although I do love textiles, i've decided that I want to continue my studies and take some sort of interior design program once I graduate. The thing is, I don't know how much more full time school I can handle ( I need a break haha!). I've been looking into degree and diploma programs in both Canada and the States but am so unsure! Are there any programs in the States that you recommend or would advise against? Do you feel that taking a certificate program over a degree would be a waste? Thanks for taking the time to do this and best of luck with graduation and your future career, you'll figure it all out!


  13. Sweet Michaela, so very proud of you! You are embarking on your next stage in life, and will do so with much grace! I have so enjoyed watching you grow over the past three years into the beautiful woman you are. And, was so blessed to actually get to meet you in person this past fall. May God continue to bless you in your future endeavors.

    I guess the question I love to ask recent grads is, "where do you see yourself 10 years from now?" I think everyone needs to set goals, look a bit into the future, but not be tired down to it. Many changes will occur, the path may wind in a different direction, but if you set your sights on the things your are truly passionate about and pray that God will open appropriate doors, and close those that are not in His plans, you will go a long way my dear!

    Embrace the moment!

  14. Hey Michaela :)

    As a fellow college student, I can't help but admire your beautifully decorated apartment, your pretty clothes, and newest products. You always have the prettiest stuff! :) My question is, how did you manage to acquire all of those things while you were in college and on a budget? I'm working a lot and have to pay rent, bills, etc but I am moving into a new apartment next month and I am so excited to decorate it, but I feel like it will put a dent in my bank account. Help! :)


  15. Congrats on almost being done! This weekend is going to be pretty low key for us, staying at home with a possible trip to the zoo! Good luck on all your homework, try to squeeze in a little fun!


  16. Congratulations! Looking forward to following your adventures! I wish you all the bes!

  17. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, how exciting! Thanks for opening up your blog for questions.

    I was wondering, where did you find the furniture for your apartment? A couple of friends and I are planning to get an apartment and we want to stay on a budget, but everything seems so expensive.

    Thanks! Have a lovely weekend

  18. Thank you all for these awesome questions! I'm so excited to answer them in an upcoming post!!

  19. Yay congratulations!! This is SUCH an exciting time of life! You are an incredibly lovely woman and I am thrilled for you, and for everything that will be coming next.

    Here's my question... (: Are you going to open your own amazing biz? Excited to watch the next chapter unfold for you!! And most importantly, when can we hang out!?

  20. I absolutely adore your blog and your style! Such a nice girly feel to it!

    Did you always see yourself as an interior designer growing up? How did you decide that a degree in interior design was the right step even though a career in design might not always work out?

  21. Michaela,
    My question for you is a little deep: how do you feel about Christians drinking? I've seen you profess faith in Jesus, but I've also seen you drink alcoholic beverages, and it confuses me a little. Do you think it might be confusing for an unbeliever to see you talk about your Christian lifestyle one minute, then see you living a typical "worldly" lifestyle the next?

    My question isn't meant to be judgmental or critical; I ask it out of curiosity. I am anxious to see if you will answer this in the answer posts, because I've asked this question of other Christian bloggers before, and I think some are just afraid to answer for fear they will "offend" someone.

    1. Jillian I love that you asked this. You are right- drinking is one of those areas that can be questionable. This is what I believe.

      The Word tells us not to get drunk (Ephesians 5:18, Galatians 5:21) and to be sober minded (1 Peter 5:8, Titus 2:12). Having said that, there are many examples of Jesus, His disciples, & others all drinking wine together. I believe that an individual may have a glass of wine (or 2) without getting drunk. The Word also tells us that our bodies are a temple of God (Romans 12:1, 1 Corinthians 8:9). Getting drunk is not good on ones body. But the antioxidants in wine are good. When I was in middle school and early high school my father did not drink a drop of alcohol and was very stressed from work. His doctor actually told him that having a glass of wine/beer would actually help ease his heart and benefit his heart.

      So I believe that having a glass of wine is not a bad thing. Having too many glasses of wine is. I did not drink any alcohol for over a year and learned that my opportunity to witness to others actually grew once I started adding wine back into my diet. I learned that some non-believers see others who refuse to drink as being 'snobbish' or 'prude'- which for a while I realized I may have been viewed this way as well.

      The Word also says not to do anything that may cause a brother to stumble (Romans 14:21, 1 Corinthians 8:9). So I personally will not drink if I know that someone around me struggles with alcohol or if I know that it may cause them to stumble. But with my husband, with friends, or with my family I feel comfortable knowing that none of them struggle and we can enjoy a glass or 2 together.

      Hope this helps :) Be blessed Jillian!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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