Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What I Learned in College: Live Fully & Grace is Abounding

First of all, I just have to say THANK YOU for all the sweet comments on yesterday's exciting post! I adore each of you and am so thankful for your encouragement. 

Today is day two of my What I Learned in College series.  This is a story that is hard for me to tell, relive, and even fully remember. Thank you for letting me share my heart.

What I Learned in College: Live Fully & Grace is Abounding

 I was a freshman in college, living in another state.  I woke up one morning at 6am to my roommate's irregular breath. Still tired and in a fog, I thought she was having a bad dream.  From my bed, I tried to wake her, but her breathing was still unlike anything I had ever heard. Then it clicked. Something was not right and my sweet roommate needed help.  After quickly running to grab my suit-mates and my RA, I called 911. My beautiful, kind, and talented roommate was suffering from a cardiac arrest in our dorm room. Our very dorm room that we'd spent the whole summer preparing for; the entire first week of school decorating.  It was the dorm room that the girls on our floor loved to come visit.  It was the cutest room I'd ever seen, and one I'd dreamt about my whole life.  Our room was now invaded with EMT's trying to save her life.  The girls and I joined hands and prayed our little hearts out. God, protect her. Keep her safe. May people see your hand in this circumstance.  And by the grace of God, He did. After three days in a coma, my roommate woke up with not a problem to be seen or a cause to be diagnosed.

I witnessed a miracle. A life spared, a life saved, and a life that still had a lot more life to be lived. What a blessing and a relief it was to know she was okay....perfectly okay! If nothing else, what caught me off guard was that I was there. It was me who was in that room with her, it was me who isn't a sound sleeper and who woke up to the tiniest gasp for air.  Why? How? Words can't explain what a humbling, terrifying, and miraculous event this was. 
This was grace at its finest.

Here I was as a freshman in college, and I learned quickly that things don't go as planned.  I learned I needed to live fully. Fully live. Life is a gift and you never know when it could be taken. I realized I needed to continually be thankful each and every day I woke up healthy.  I realized I needed to be a better friend, daughter, sister, and person all together.   I was reminded to hold dear what you love.  Cherish your family {and remember to thank my mama profusely for flying up to be with me}. Love with no bounds. Chase hard after your passion. And always listen to and trust where God wants you. Because the funny thing is, when I decided to come to Seattle for school I was nervous and hesitant, but knew this is where the Lord wanted me. I was homesick most of my freshman year and wanted to quit, trust me, I wanted to. But I stayed. And if for nothing else, I was there in this rainy little city to be used for this purpose.  For His purpose.
 This  was a day I can vaguely remember in its entirety and for that, I'm thankful. But what I do remember was a life was saved and I felt a clear calling and passion to live mine, too.

Live life, friends! Have a blessed day:)
*Image by Victoria Carlson Photography


  1. What a scary moment for you, so happy your roommate was ok. That day you learned such a valuable lesson, to live each and every day to the fullest and that God always has a plan for you even when you don't see it coming, and today you shared that with all of us which means today I learned a valuable lesson from you! :)

  2. What a blessing that you were there! Even though it was a miracle you were there, it's unfortunate that this was an experience you had to endure during a very hard transitioning time. You are an amazing individual to overcome something that could have been potentially detrimental to the spirit! Good luck with your future endeavors!

  3. did you move end up living in the dorm room for the remainder of the year? thank heavens you were there and i'm so glad she's okay! xo

  4. I can't imagine the fear you must have felt but girl, it sounds like you responded like an absolute star. I'm so glad that the story had a happy ending, and you are a big part of the reason it did!

  5. I got chills reading this. You were there for a reason and God knew exactly what He was using you for. What a blessing you heard her and everything ended positively! Thanks for the reminder to always live life to the fullest!

  6. WOW that is terrifying! My first semester in college I had something very similar happen to a roommate... Well we'll just say something super dramatic and scary happened. Not something I want to write about here... But I'm sure she is oh so thankful for you for calling 911 and saving her life! (:

  7. What a lucky girl your roommate is to have had you beside her! How terrifying! I can't even imagine! Your words and sentiments are beautiful and you are right we need to cherish every moment because we never know what is on store for us.

  8. That sounds terrifying! How amazing that you were there to call for help and ultimately save her. And what a life lesson you walked away with. xo

  9. Michaela, I have heard you share this story before. It is indeed nothing short of a miracle. But, I also believe you were there, her roommate, so far from home for a reason as well. You blessed her, but she also blessed you.

  10. I can't even imagine what you went through that day! But I do know what it's like to feel the Lord calling you somewhere and knowing deep inside that where you are what you're doing is right, even if there's things you're not so fond of. So thankful you're roommate came out unscathed - the Lord is good :) xo

  11. Oh my goodness I can't even imagine what that was like. I would of been mortified! What a blessing that you were there to save her!

  12. I cannot imagine going through that at any age, much less a freshman in college. I'm so glad she ended up okay!!

  13. this is so beautiful! i am so glad you were able to call 911 on time! thank god she was okay!
    kw ladies in navy

  14. Chills! What an amazing story. I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you, and your roommate. Thank you for sharing this story. You are right. We should all live fully. Every single day.

  15. So encouraging. I am about to move to Seattle and terrified. I am believing--by faith--that God is going to use me there too.

  16. Very scary but thank goodness you were there for your sweet roommate. The Lord teaches us things in sometimes scary ways. I'm glad you've taken that experience and live your life FULLY because of it. Such a good reminder to us all.

  17. Thank you for opening up like this, Michaela. I can't imagine how difficult that must of been on you and your friends...and how hard it was to share that with us today. But, I'm so glad you did. Blessings.

  18. I can't even begin to imagine how scary this situation must have been for you, but thank god you were there and helped save her life! I'm so glad this story had such a happy ending and what a wonderful message to share wityh us all!


    Five Minute Style 

  19. Wow! Wow, wow, is all I can say. Miracle indeed, so happy you were there:) Just catching up on your blog, its been a few week since I read up:) Always love your thoughtful posts:)

    Aesthetic Lounge


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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