Wednesday, July 17, 2013

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: No.9

Today I'm sharing a few things I'm loving and not loving for the week. Let's dive in!

 1. One of my best friends was married on Sunday and we had such a fun weekend and day celebrating! My friend Danielle captured their gorgeous day.

2. Strawberry-banana-kale-smoothies. I've been making one every morning lately and it's proving to be a wonderful way to start the day! It is also a great way to get your greens without knowing you're eating them :) I should share the recipe soon!

3. Fresh and healthy hair. I'm planning to try this hair mask sometime this week!

4. This colorful gallery wall. What a great way to display all your art {and even your children's art!} for all to see. 

5. Exploring San Francisco! I am from the Bay Area, but not specifically from the city of SF, so going into work for Rue Magazine in the city once a week has been so fun. Finally I'm getting to know this great city-- and it's also fun to have a night out on the town with the Rue girls! Last night we went to Sens was delicious! 

1. Driving. I've been in and out of town for the past couple of weeks and I'm ready to be home in one spot for more than 5 days at a time!

2. Waiting in lines. Yep, I said it. I'm impatient. Especially when the line for Starbucks is out the door and I have somewhere to go, but really want that passion tea :)

3. Hope now swims in our jacuzzi in the back yard. You may think this is funny, but it's actually quite annoying! Anytime we take her outside to play ball, she dives in the hot tub and does a lap, then goes straight to the grass to roll around. Bath time is becoming a very frequent thing around here.  

Your turn! What are YOU loving and not loving this week?


  1. Your friend was a gorgeous bride! Will definitely have to share the smoothie recipe...we are making them more and more now that we have a Vitamix. Loving...the sun is finally out and our sweet child officially got offered a teaching position!! So proud of her.

  2. Such a beautiful bride your best friend was! I've been wanting to find a yummy smoothie recipe too, so please do share with us. And, I am so excited to hear more and more about your position with Rue! So exciting!!!

    xx, Kylie Rae
    Shimmer Me Pretty

  3. Sens is delicious! You should try out Kokkari it's amazing!!! I work over on Fremont & Howard maybe I will run into you one of these days!!

  4. beautiful photos!

    Your friend looks amazing :)

    Great blog!


  5. your friend looks beautiful!! my dog bailey does the same thing in our jacuzzi! especially if we have anyone over, she just assumes it's time to go swimming. and then she runs up and rubs all over you, covering you in dog hair.

  6. That wedding dress!!! How insanely beautiful!

  7. Hahaha, oh Hope! She's so funny!! My dogs hate hate hate water!! So weird!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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