Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Nine Notes

I'm switching it up today and letting you in on a few things about myself. Comment with a few random facts about you!

*image by Nicole Dianne

- In the kitchen: I like to bake and cook, but tend to always do something wrong to the recipe. I've messed up the same chicken and rice dish 3 times in a row, which my mom tells me is "the easiest dish on the planet." Oh boy! Luckily I've mastered desserts. Hmmm...

- In my purse: You will find a whole bunch of stuff. You could say I'm overly prepared. Things you will always find: wallet, lipgloss, pouch with hand sanitizer, advil, bandaid, and a mirror, emergency snack (like crackers or a granola bar just in case I'm somewhere where I don't like or can't eat their food), sunglasses, business cards, and my tape measure (every designer needs one of these! Don't worry, it's a small, cute kind:)) 

- In my car: Country music is playing.

- My morning routine: wake up, make toast with peanut butter and tea. Eat my breakfast while checking email and my favorite blogs. Read my devotional. Work. Get ready for the day!

- On my DVR: Lots of House Hunters (but I'm starting to get so sick of all of HGTV!), Friends, Parenthood, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, Duck Dynasty (our whole family thinks this show is hysterical), So You Think You Can Dance, Project Runways and Extreme Makeover Weight Loss (seriously, obsessed. It's amazing!) That's an embarrassing amount of TV right there.

- When I was really little: I was the biggest accident waiting to happen. My dad would actually call me that. I'd spill things, break things, misplace things, and never own up to it. Even though my mom new me laughing nervously and claiming "It wasn't me!" meant it was. Clearly, it was.

- On my nails: Loving shellac/gel polish still! Right now I'm wearing "pink smoothie".

- Favorite food: Cheese or ice cream. Not together, it's just such a toss up!

- On my mind: I can't wait to meet this little guy and see my bff in a few weeks. Oh, and meet this girl, too! 

That's all for today! Choose a few of these and tell me your answers :)
Happy Wednesday!


  1. LOVE Extreme Weight Loss!! So amazing & inspiring!

  2. Wow, I would never picture you as a country music girl, but that's what I love too! We don't have cable at our house, but when I go to my Mom's I usually take over the tv and watch HGTV the whole time. I am kinda getting tired of it too though, my husband always says why do you watch these shows, you never like the house they pick in the end or how the room makeover come!! :)

  3. Yep! I've got the tape measure always handy in my purse #IDlife :)

    (and House Hunters, yes love that show but agreed I'm starting to feel I've overdone HGTV)

  4. Ha! Love the HGTV! It's kind of my go to when there's nothing else!


  5. i love country music and duck dynasty is always my go-to tv show. so good!! and i'm not going to lie, i have the world in my purse. my coworkers call me mary poppins.

  6. I love the little details in this post, so fun! I randomly found an old post of yours when I was looking for an easy updo tutorial... and let's just say it has completely simplified my life. My super thick hair ALWAYS falls out of styles but your twist and wrap method did the trick. Thanks so much, sweet girl! XO

  7. I loved learning a little more about you Michaela! These are such fun and interesting facts. I'm right there with you on an overstuffed purse... I always come prepared!

    Chelsea & The City

  8. In the kitchen: I know how to cook one thing: scrambled eggs. When did I learn that? THIS YEAR.

    I do not have dvr but I am just now watching Gossip Girl Season 2 - and I legit cried last night. Why do I love/hate Chuck Bass so much? :)

    Once I found shellac, I fell in love and never turned back. favorite foods are anything dealing with carbs (pizza, hamburgers, mexican) and I hate mayo. with a passion.

    Loved your list!

  9. Fun! While I love to cook (don't have to very often thanks to a hubby who is an amazing cook). Love cheese and ice cream but gave them up on this new diet. Country music is 2nd to Christian music. Love gel polish (obsessed). Love cooking shows (Hells Kitchen & Master Chef, can't wait for the Junior version).

  10. Cute post!! We have so much in common! We don't have cable anymore, and I miss HGTV!! I love Parenthood and Modern Family! And STYTYCD, How I Met Your Mother, and Duck Dynasty, haha! I have always been known to have a Mary Poppins bag (Not kidding, I have carried around candles, nail polish, and scissors, and a huge lighter for weeks just because I forgot to take them out. That got some good laughs!)My favorite food is hands down anything Mexican. And I am country music lover too!

  11. so fun!! i am a big lover of gel polish too... it is amazing, changes your life! also

  12. Fun post! When it comes to tv I'm all about the drama! I love Grey's Anatomy, Glee, Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Scandal and more... it's kind of embarrassing how much tv I watch lol.

  13. Not gonna lie.....I alway have my fingers crossed that House Hunters is on whenever I get a chance to watch TV. I'm obsessed and ready to buy my own house because of it. Lol.

  14. We don't have cable but whenever we go home to NY to see my mom, I'm constantly watching HGTV the entire time we're there!


  15. I still can't believe you like country music. That's just weird. Haha. And I totally got obsessed with HGTV for awhile. Like I watched it ALL the time. And then I was just over it one day and couldn't watch another home improvement show for even a minute. Haha. Now I just watch the game show channel at night like an 80 year old woman.

  16. I have Friends and Duck Dynasty on my DVR too! Hooray for country music on your radio. :) Oh...if you like country music, and tv might want to check out Nashville! It will come back on this fall for season 2. Maybe season 1 is on Hulu or something. I LOVE IT!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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