Wednesday, September 11, 2013

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: No.10

Today I'm sharing one thing I'm loving and one thing I'm not. Here we go...

If there's one thing I love most about blogging, it's most definitely the friendships I've made along the way. One of my sweet friend's, Ashley of Domestic Fashionista, has launched her very first e-book this week and I'm so thrilled for her! 

I've had the chance to read through it and my oh my, is it good! She's quite the DIY gal, offering tips and tricks for creative ways to make your house a home. You'll love her style, her voice, the tips, projects and the beautiful pictures. We all love simple and fun ways to spice up our home, and Ashley gives you a number of ways to do just that.

You can scoop up Ashley's adorable and informative book below:
Click here to visit Domestic Fashionista.

And don't forget to go congratulate Ashley at her blog today, too! 

I'm sure you can all guess what this one is. As we remember this bitter day, September 11th, I can't help but feel completely overcome with emotion.  Today I'm praying for safety for our country in the coming years as well as praying for the families who lost moms and dads, sisters and brothers, friends and family that day or the days to follow.  Oh, how we yearn for justice and answers. I'm thankful that our Hope is found in God and His promises, and this broken world is not our forever home. Thank you to all the men and women who have served/are serving our country, and thank you to those who gave their lives on September 11th.  May the Lord bless your families, and may this country never forget your courageous acts.

What are you loving and not loving this Wednesday?


  1. That looks like such a fun e-book! I'm going to have to check it out!


  2. Checking out the e book, love the title! Thank you for the kind words for today. As a prior service member (I joined right after 9/11) and a Marine wife (with many family and friends who serve). Today brings back a lot of emotions. So thankful to have the ones I love so dear safe. Will always remember those you gave the ultimate sacrifice. Yes, thank God this is not our forever home!

  3. I'm excited to page through this ebook....I love the cover...and yes 9/11 is a sad day. So many emotions are stirred up today.

  4. Can't wait to go and get a copy of her e-book - thanks for sharing my friend x

  5. So many years have gone, but nobody will ever forget the tragedy from 11th September.
    Carpet Cleaning Gidea Park

  6. So many years have gone, but nobody will ever forget the tragedy from 11th September.
    Carpet Cleaning Gidea Park


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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