Wednesday, November 6, 2013

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Something Charming

Happy Wednesday! While I'm visiting my friend Megan, I have a sweet friend here dishing on her loves and love-me-nots. Meet Joelle of Something Charming.

Joelle is a talented wedding planner, fellow creative, and overall really stylish gal. You're going to adore her! Take it away...

Hi friends! My name is Joelle, and I blog over at Something Charming. I'm taking over Michaela's lovely blog today so that I can share a few of the things that I'm loving (and a couple of things that I'm not loving) these days. 

1 // I live in Ventura, a small-ish beach city in between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, and I'm loving it these days. California falls aren't like the rest of the country, but Ventura falls are a bit better than the rest of Southern California. I'm loving how sunny and crisp it is out these days, and how autumn just seems to bring my entire community together. I love it!

2 // I found a bunny sweater at Target over the summer, and since then I've been kind of obsessed with clothes and accessories with animals. Weird? Perhaps. I just can't get enough. I have to say that I can't decide whether my zebra scarf, hedgehog sweater, or dinosaur earrings are my favorite these days. 

3 // Though I was born and raised in California, I have a fascination with anything Southern. Obviously that means I had to get the Southerner's Handbook as soon as I saw that it was out!

1 // I'm a big reader, and I've been waiting for the last book in the Divergent series for over a year now. Allegiant finally came out last week, and to say that I'm disappointed is an understatement. I honestly liked the first book more than the Hunger Games, so I was really upset when I read this one. I seriously need a new world and love story to immerse myself in now!

2 // There are so many amazing things about being self-employed, but money is NOT one of them. I think we all go through phases of our lives where money is more of a concern than others, and I'm definitely in one of those phases. I'm a wedding planner, and my wedding season just ended, so here's to hoping I can sign more clients soon for next year to get me through the rest of this year!

Thank you SO much Michaela for letting me share my favorites these days! Hope you all have a wonderful season!

I have to say I love animal printed textiles, too! Thanks for sharing, friend.  Stop by Something Charming today to say hello!

What are you loving {and not loving} this Wednesday?


  1. Yay! Thanks SO much for having me Michaela! xoxox

  2. Love Joelle's beautiful blog--great picks! xoxo

  3. Oooooh I LOVE reading, talking, commenting on anybody else's opinions of Allegiant!! Ive been waiting a year and half as well, and Insurgent REALLY left us all hanging for something GOOD!!!.
    I am way MORE that disappointed with Allegiant as well. And for more than just the obvious reason (the ending!)... I have numerous reasons as to why I was so upset with the whole book. So I just love it when I hear others opinions. I told my husband I need to join a book club just so I can discuss Allegiant. (he does not get it.)

    1. I've been DYING over this book, I swear! Nobody in real life reads it, so I'm kind of just stuck here...hoping that people in blog world have. I'm still SO upset, it's ridiculous!

  4. Lovely post...i've heard the divergent series was good, but i never got around to reading it...

  5. I've had that book on my list for a while. I hope Santa is paying attention! It is the essential guide for southern living from all the reviews I've read!



Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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