Monday, January 27, 2014

Michigan Trip Recap: Traverse City

A few weeks ago when I went to visit my boyfriend in Michigan, we took a trip up North to Traverse City. A few of his friends have a home on the bay, and wow, is that view stunning! {I wouldn't mind looking out at a lake every morning when I woke up!} A bunch of his friends came up for the weekend as well, and on Saturday we went wine tasting at some beautiful wineries. It was such a cold fun time! Here are some pictures from our day...

DETAILS | Coat / Jeans / Boots / Scarf 

So beautiful, am I right?! 

Now, for a not-so-smooth transition… 

photo via 

I couldn't close today's post without a few comments about Sean and Catherine's wedding. As you know, I'm admittedly a Bachelor fan. Not always proud of that, but watching the wedding, I certainly was. Oh. My. Word. STUNNING is the only word that comes to mind. I adored her dress {I'm a lover of lace}, the flowers were unreal {although I didn't love all the pillars of flowers on the stage, I did love them around the ceremony space and her bouquet of peonies was gorgeous, too!} and the mixed chairs, settees and sofas for the ceremony seating was perfection. I only wish we would have seen some of the reception space. Goodness, I bet it was equally as drool-worthy. Mindy Weiss does it again  How can you watch that wedding and not dream about getting married?! ;) 

Did you watch the wedding and what were your thoughts?

Have a wonderful Monday!
PS. Speaking of The Bachelor, check out Desiree Hartsock's home tour and all the fun Lulu & Georgia goodies {the adorable online home decor boutique I work for.} I've been lucky enough to be working with her over the last few months and she is completely sweet!


  1. LOVEd The Bachelor wedding last night, you were right it was STUNNING! I have been reading Sean's sisters blog for over a year now so it was equally fun to watch her sweet family on TV last night too! His dad did an amazing job performing such a Beautiful ceremony. I am a Bachelor junkie, ha, and this was just one of my fav Bachelor moments!
    Great pics from your trip to MI....looks super cold but so fun!

  2. You two are SO cute together!! I recorded the wedding last night, so watching it tonight!!

  3. Yall are adorable...and on the wedding, yes completely agreed! So loved watching it! I'm married and watching that made me dream of doing a second wedding (same groom) haha!

    ps: you've been helping des with her home? that's so cool!

  4. Michaela I love these photos of you and your man. :) I'm so so happy for you and you guys are such a good lookin' couple. And yes, that wedding looks out of control gorgeous. Dreamy. Are you taking notes? ;)

  5. Awww, I didn't get a chance to watch the wedding, but I definitely read a couple of recaps today. Are you keep up with Juan Pablo's season??? I'm loving it so far! Happy Monday!

    A Silver Snapshot

  6. You look happier than ever :). I love the texture in that coat!

  7. I watched part of the ceremony and thought it was gorgeous! They were so cute crying together at the end. Adorable! :)

  8. I missed the wedding but heard it was amazing and Christ centered! So awesome!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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