Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Favorites and Random Musings

Photo: Michaela Noelle Designs

I'm glad to see Friday here already! This week flew by for me, I think because I've been so insanely busy with clients, projects, this blog, work, and family. I've also been working out a lot lately, which feels great. I completely fell of the bandwagon there for a while, so it feels good to be back on track. I've been trying my best to run a mile {not much, but it's something!} every day or every other day, do some weight training, ab work and then of course, I take the pup on walks if my mom can't do it that day. I think this past week I spent more time in exercise clothes (read: yoga pants) than normal clothes. At least they're comfy!

Can I ramble a little more about something completely random?! I am all for the Olympics and like to watch the ice skating, but I miss my regularly scheduled programs. Which, incase you are wondering, are Nashville, How I Met Your Mother, and Parenthood. Thankfully (I joke) The Bachelor was still on. If I may say, though, I'm so over this season! Who's with me? 

To continue in today's incredibly random blog post, I'm sharing a few of my favorite links for your weekend. 

- Loving these new prints
- These would make great gifts.
- This recipe looks so yummy! And pretty, too.
- This college apartment is prettyyyy cute!
- I could definitely get some work done in this adorable office space.
- These side tables and coffee tables are all 20% off!
- I tried this cute top on the other day and had the willpower to leave it in the dressing room. Still thinking about making the purchase!
- Safe to say I'm obsessed with these wedges.
- Probably going get myself one of these awesome water bottles. Yep.
- Don't forget to enter this giveaway of the most beautiful prints!
- You can also catch me over at Sweets & Celebrations today!

Have a great weekend!



  1. I lingered over that exact shirt this week! I am over the Olympics too- glad it's not just me :)

  2. Have to say I too am over the Olympics. I hate knowing the outcome before even seeing the competition. We are headed to Texas for SING next week. Can't wait!! It is gonna be good.

  3. I LOVE the Olympics. I can.not.get.enough. But I'm over this season of How I Met Your Mother. Which is sad. Because I've been a faithful follower!

    I'm also over exercising and I haven't done that in years. Just kidding. Actually.. I don't think I was! ;)

  4. I am loving those end tables too, along with all the stationary at the top of this post!


  5. Those Dolce Vita wedges are AMAZING!


  6. Oh my goodness, Juan Pablo is butchering this season one week at a time. Nobody cares about him anymore. I watch it because Renee is so lovely and the best. Happy Friday!

    A Silver Snapshot

  7. What a beautiful photo! Ugh, I am so with you on the shows. I miss HIMYM!! Love your blog :)

    xo Megan, Lush to Blush

  8. The paper is just gorgeous! We hope you're off to a beautiful start to your weekend!


  9. Those water bottles are so cute, I have one on my wish list too!

    Five Minute Style 


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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