Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Seasons of In Between

Can we chat about something real today, friends? Design is certainly "real", so I guess I should have said "personal". Let's chat about something personal, okay?

Have you ever been in a season of "in between"? You're about to embark on a new job, start college, just about to finish college (that was a doozy for me!), you're home for just a summer from school, you want to switch careers and go back to school, or, in my case, you're moving. Really far away. Do any of these things ring a bell for anyone right now? 

I feel like I have been in this season of in between for the last 4-5 years. At first I was moving TO college. There was so much preparation for this move to Seattle. Then my roommate had a cardiac arrest my freshman year, so she left school to recover and I was without a roommate for a few months. I  was in this stage of awaiting her return nervously. Then I went home for the Summer, only to return to Seattle a few months later. This pattern of packing up for Seattle, then back again for California after the school year was over, was very familiar to me. Once I was in my final few months of college, I felt like I was in this season of big things on the horizon. I was GRADUATING for Heaven's sake, and you know what?! That was terrifying.

As soon as I moved home and began to recover from those feelings of graduation, becoming a "real adult" and feeling the pressure (from myself) to get a job or start my business, I finally started feeling comfortable and settled. As God could only write it, I went to visit my friend Ashley in Michigan that Summer and met my boyfriend. I'm now moving to Michigan next week. Funny, right? As soon as I felt settled, I meet someone who is definitely worth moving for, and here I am yet again in this all-too-familiar in between

For me, when I'm in this in between stage, sometimes I get stagnant. For example, I will tell myself I don't want to get involved in ___ (fill in the blank) because I'll just be moving next month. I also find myself replaying the thought "just another month and THEN I'll be settled". Why do I do this? I think (and hope) it's natural, but it's not right, that's for sure. In these in between times, I need to be completely trusting God to prepare the path before me, place specific people in that path to encourage and inspire me, and ultimately, put it all in His hands instead of worrying about it. I also feel convicted of that last statement; the one about feeling settled once I finally move, or reach that next phase of life--whatever it might be for you. How sad for us to miss out on moments in the present where we could have lived fully, instead of living in the future and grabbing for what we think will be a settled, calm season. You know what I've learned? There aren't many of those. We're always going to be waiting for something, even if it's a small something. 

When we are running hard after something that's not yet before us or doing the opposite and being completely lazy about where we are in life currently, we are missing what God has for us. I'm so guilty of this. I don't want to quench what the Lord has prepared for me to do. 

Just like our seasons of life, flowers also bloom in certain seasons. When it's peony season, I will have them in my home as much as possible to savor those moments ;)

A few weeks ago at church, our pastor talked about seizing the current season we're presently walking through and asking ourselves what we can do now, how can we serve others now, in ways we won't be able to in the next season of life? For me, my current season is living with my parents. That caused me to think how I could be serving them while living under their roof. I've made some dinners, tried to help keep the house clean, finished some design projects for my mom so she really loves the home once I leave, and have taken on more responsibility with our pup. I loved this perspective and I think it helped shift my thinking.

"You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever."
Psalm 16:11 

What is your current season of life? Have you experienced these "in betweens"? How do you deal with them? 

Hope you have a lovely day!


  1. I understand the "in between" phase feelings. I always feel that way about projects. I feel like as soon as I get this and that done I'll feel all caught up and will not have the constant nagging feeling that I have things on my to do list. I feel like I put more items on than I can cross off. I guess the dream of thinking that I will caught up keeps me going. :)

  2. I can SO relate to this! I've been in an in between phase for the past two years since I graduated high school. I'm headed toward becoming an elementary school teacher, but in the past two years I have finished college, almost completed my teacher's certification, and worked a part time job until I can become a full-time teacher. I feel like I've been rushing the past two years and doing what I need to get by. I'm so eager to reach my final destination that sometimes I forget to stop and appreciate the present. I've been trying to buy up more opportunities lately and focus on the positive things in my life to help me slow down a little, to make this in between phase feel less "in between." :)

  3. beautiful arrangement! and totally get you on the inbetween stages!

    ladies in navy

  4. This post TOTALLY speaks to me. I feel like I could have written it myself. I definitely feel like this right now, and it's definitely had me be patient and just trust that this is where God has me right now, and that's okay. It's a hard place to be in, though. I'm thankful the Lord is patient with us when we get impatient and not-so content with where we're at.

  5. Just like the comments above, I can totally relate to this. It's so refreshing to hear that I am not the only one in this season right now. Lately I have felt convicted to live in the now and enjoy everything about it before things change again. I am constantly reminding myself that God has a plan and his plans are ALWAYS better than mine. Thanks Michaela-miss you!

  6. Oh goodness can I relate - I feel like I go through this every few years. Seize the season is right, though :) xoxo

  7. I have been there - including the move across the country. I find that it's so hard to be "in between." I really try to live in the moment. It's hard to recognize when you aren't until sometimes it's too late, though. Then the moment has passed by. You don't want to have regrets.

    My husband told me he used to fall into the "in between" stage a lot - he was always looking ahead, for something better. Since we have been together (a really long time now), he's been better about it. He can recognize it so much better now, and it usually has to do with work. I just keep trying to focus on the here and now, and help him to do the same.

    I love your pastor's comments about what can you do NOW. Such a powerful message that I think so many forget. I love your perspective about peony season - such a concrete (and pretty!) way to have a reminder.

  8. I have a really hard time focusing on the here and now and am always looking to sometime in the future, so I know how these 'in between' stages ago. I feel like I am constantly in them and need to remind myself that this thing I am looking forward to (or thinking about) is 1+ year in the future and I need to put my energy into what is surrounding me at the moment.

    I am really curious (okay, maybe nosey!) about how you and your boyfriend met! Is he someone who previously knew Ashley or just someone you met randomly while there?

  9. love love loved this post!! so needed this right now.

  10. I'm def in a state of limbo with some personal things...but that's the joy of life, i suppose...the roller coaster ride. He didn't promise us it would be easy, but it would be good. xo ;)

  11. This is so relevant to what I am going through right now. Your words have encouraged me that it is not just me feeling these ways, that it is normal, though not right. However, simply knowing that I am not the only one feeling this way helps lighten the load a little bit for me and can really help me to be able to take steps to overcome these feelings. As a college student still living at home to save money, I often feel like I am the only one still living at home and under my parents. I really needed a perspective shift because this time of my life is a blessing and there are so many things I can be learning right now, where I am instead of rushing to move on. Your post has really added to some things the Lord has been showing me about being where I am, and not worrying about the future but giving it to him. THANK YOU for your encouraging words!

  12. I can totally relate. I think it's normal. Then again, we all think we are normal! I struggle with enjoying the right now. I love to talk about the sweet past and dream about the future. The next thing I know the present is gone and I'm wanting that back. I think it's part of my personality. I'm driven and focus on what's next. Sometimes I just need to stop and soak it in. Prayers for your big move!

  13. Great post! I am right there with you. I graduate from interior design school in a week and the hubs and I are in complete limbo. Such a good reminder to cherish this season. Good luck on your move! :)

  14. This is a great and nice blog thank you so much for sharing..

    Packers & Movers
    Movers & Packers

  15. Amen to this entire post. I completely hear your heart, and feel you! My husband is in the Air Force, so we have had a lot of "in-between" phases of life with moving on top of regular "in-betweens". They never really get any easier, but it gets easier to handle the emotions that it comes with.

    Excited to follow along via your blog with your upcoming move!



Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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