Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Apartment Floor Plan & Tour

I can't believe I've been in my apartment for almost a week now. I wanted to show you the BEFORE of the place, without any furniture so you can see a true transformation ;) First I wanted to show you the floor plan of the apartment so you could get the idea of the space. I forgot to take pictures of the bathroom, but just imagine a super simple, kind of outdated bathroom and you've pretty much got the full picture. Ha!

Here's the floor plan, completely not to scale:

Here are some pictures in black and white {because I couldn't stand the color versions!}

 As you can see, I've got a great little dining room set up with my veryyyy temporary folding table and chairs. I snapped these pictures right after we moved some boxes in and started unloading, so don't mind the mess! Thankfully I now have a few pieces of furniture: a sofa, side table, media console, side chair, bed, nightstand, buffet table and a little cabinet for my bathroom to hold some towels. I found both the buffet and the bathroom piece at an antique store yesterday and I'm just giddy over them! Here are a few sneak peeks of the place coming together from my Instagram:

 There you have it! Just a few touches from around the new place. I'll be posting more on instagram as things get done.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I'm excited to see how you transform the space :)

  2. glad things are coming together. It's so nice to have your own little space start to feel like home.

  3. Why are you not living with your boyfriend?

    1. Hi Matilda! Thanks for asking. Because of our faith, we have decided not to live together before we marriage, as that's what God asks of us in the Bible. We're happy to live separately and still see each other during the days and evenings, but until we're married we won't be living/sleeping together. Hopefully that clears it up! :)

  4. I love to see before and after pictures! And floor plans are nice to get an idea of the layout. It's definitely starting to come together. I can't wait to see more progress photos along the way :) How are you liking Michigan so far?

  5. I'm exciting to see all the fun to see the transformation! I know it will be beautiful!

  6. Can't wait to see the transformation! Looks like a great layout! :)

  7. That's a really good layout! I know you are going to set it up so beautifully. Congrats on making this new place your home darling!

  8. Your place is coming together so nicely! I'm dying to see how the entire thing turns out! I'm sure it's going to be fabulous!


  9. can't wait to see more :) Did you swap out the old knobs in your kitchen for pretty ones? I love that idea...if only our cabinets had knobs. Rent kitchens are the hardest part for me. Ours is pretty similar to yours.

  10. Great space. And, I know it will be spectacular once you get all settled.

  11. This is so exciting! I hope that it feels just like home very soon

  12. It's coming together! Can't wait to see it completed!

  13. I'm excited to see how you take this generic apartment and make it your own. Are you able to paint at this place?

  14. Looks like a great apartment! Can't wait to see what you do with it!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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