Monday, June 30, 2014

Bouquet Recipe: Pretty Peonies

This past week was SO gloomy here in Michigan (thanks for all your awesome comments on this post about the Midwest. I LOVED reading them all!), I decided to get me some pretty blooms for my apartment. Here's my latest bouquet recipe:

- 3 peonies (get them at Costco and Whole Foods while they last!!)
- 1 bunch of spray roses
- 2 snap dragons
- 1 bunch of alstroemeria

1. Make a criss-cross pattern with the alstroemeria. This will be your foundation to stick the peonies in next. 

2. Stand your peonies up in the criss cross weave, created with the green and white alstroemeria. 

3. Add in your spray roses to fill in holes. 
4. Poke in your two snap dragons to add some height!

5. Viola!

I love how the bouquet turned out. You'll be seeing a lot more of it soon for a video Ashley and I filmed for Bloom Workshop last week :) 

Can I just take a second to say my photos are all washed out in Blogger now!!! I'm so sad (and sorry!) because they were so much more vibrant before I loaded them into this post. Does anyone know what to do to fix this?! Help a sista out ;)

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you enjoyed your weekend. I'm heading to California tomorrow to visit my family for 4th of July and I just. can't. wait!



  1. I love your tips on flower arranging. I don't have an eye for it naturally so it's great to be able to follow your recipe.

  2. Sooo pretty! Isn't Peony season the best?! I haven't hit up my local Costco lately, I didn't know they had them! My Trader Joe's hasn't had them the last few times.

  3. I love "working" in the garden too. It's so nice to see the results of your hard work when everything starts blooming. You can't beat's such a good bloomer and can totally take the heat. I used to have a ton of them at my old house and they were the star of the show. :) Your garden looks fantastic! Are those wooden shutters I see? They're gorgeous!
    Garden Ponds Design

  4. What a lovely arrangement! Peonies are so beautiful. Hope you have a blast in California :)

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass


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