Thursday, August 7, 2014

Life Lately

I thought it was about time for a personal update on life post! So what have I been up to lately?! Here's a little peek via instagram...

1. I always start my mornings with a cup of tea and toast with peanut butter. I guess I'm a creature of habit :) I really look forward to mornings, because tea is my favorite and I feel the most alive after a nice, restful night sleep. My mornings consist of reading my bible, checking email, going for a walk, etc. 
2. I found a farmer's market in town! Hooray! When I lived in California, we'd go together as a family almost every Sunday after church-- one of the family things I miss about living there. My heart was so happy when I found this market in Holland. I've gone two weeks in a  row now and each time have gotten all my fruits and veggies for the week. This week I threw in a blueberry donut...I do you resist that?! (PS. I really should start working out now to afford to keep eating these. SO GOOD!)

3. I tried a new braided hairdo the other day. I'll be posting a full tutorial soon!

 4. Sometimes I get really bored during the day (hey, I work from home and my boyfriend is at work all day, too! Just being honest!) so I go to Starbucks just to get out. My new fave drink? Blackberry Mojito Tea Lemonade. YUM! You can also mostly catch me in my workout clothes throughout the week, because well...I just don't feel like getting into nice clothes most of the time ;) Maybe one day it'll force me into a gym! But really. I did look into joining a gym last week, and I think I'm going to take the plunge, because from what I hear everyone gains a few pounds here in the winter (what else can you do but eat when it's below zero?!?!) and I need to be ready for that. Yepppp.

5. Work days with Ashley for Bloom and other editorial photo shoots are always fun. Especially when leftover flowers then become decor for the desk. Speaking of which, Bloom Atlanta is OPEN for registration!! 

Overall, life has been going well here Michigan. I certainly have waves of intense homesickness, but I'm trying to make the most of it and choose joy daily. Living near my boyfriend is really fun! It's still so great to see him every day! 

Hope you're having a great week!


  1. Sounds like fun to me! So happy you're adjusting and no worries, I'd be homesick too. Farmer's markets are the absolute best.

  2. So glad you are adjusting to like in MIchigan.

  3. Sounds like you have a good system down!!

  4. There is a good farmers market on Fulton St. In Grand Rapids. They operate Tuesday, Wed, Fri, Sat and have artisans on Sunday afternoons in the summer. Lots of very fresh fruits and veg from local farms.

  5. I'm so envious of our sweet little life in Michigan. I suspect I won't be saying that when the dreary winter hits you in a few months though!

  6. What a great insight into your happenings in your new home :)
    Those donuts would be hard to resist .... maybe you could run to the farmers market?!

  7. Looks like you have been keeping very busy! And I cant wait for that hair tutorial :)

  8. I'm joining a gym on Monday. I really really need it. My husband has been traveling for work, which means I've been eating horribly.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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