Monday, September 22, 2014

Home Tour: Colorful Chic


Photos by Victoria Pearson for House Beautiful // Design by Schuyler Samperton

Wow! Say I was exhausted after Bloom last week would be an understatement. I'm so glad I had the weekend to recuperate. Today I'm sharing a gorgeous, colorful and "granny-chic"-- as House Beautiful calls it. What a lovely house, mixing pattern and color so effortlessly! This home tour shows that you can have many colors and patterns throughout your house, as long as you tie everything together with a few repeating colors, creating harmony. 

Hands down, my favorite space in the house is that amazing craft/painting sunroom-extraordinare. The rustic wood paneling is just gorgeous! A close second would be the vibrant kitchen. Did you know red is the most appetizing color?! I don't normally gravitate towards red, but it's really nice in this kitchen rug. I think it adds spunk without being too crazy, while the reclaimed wood island helps to warm the space up and give it a well-balanced look. 

What is your favorite room in this cozy Los Angeles abode?

Have a lovely week!


  1. I used to be anti wallpaper until now!


  2. I was immediately drawn to the kitchen as well!

  3. I would die to have that art studio. What a perfectly tranquil and lovely space. I love how timeless the home is... no trends, just personality and color. This home could just as easily be from 1950 or today.

  4. I am absolutely in love with every detail! So pretty, chich and feminie.
    Have a nice day ♥

  5. I love all the use of colors to decorate the room! I always have a hard time incorporating colors when I'm decorating and usually just go for neural tones -- but this is inspiring me! thanks for sharing.
    Dana Kay

  6. Oh my! What a beautiful collection of inspirations. I love the splashes of colors in each room, and how they all harmonize to complete the look. My favorite rooms are the bathroom with the jungle inspired print and accents and the painter's studio with the rustic and wooden vibe. Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures! I hope everyone is having a nice autumn!

    Leonard George @ Remax


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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