Thursday, February 5, 2015

Designer Files: Julia Ryan Creates

I'm excited because today is the first edition of my new series, Designer Files! In this series, I will ask some of my favorite designers and other artists some fun questions for us to get to know them better. You'll want to keep reading and meet Julia, because this girl is a talented interior designer and she's got some great design tips!

Meet Julia, of Julia Ryan Creates!

What is one of your favorite home projects or pieces in your home?
My daughter's big girl room is by far my favorite room.  It got a complete makeover about a year ago and it's still the most finished and prettiest room in our home.  Being in there makes me so happy. 

How did you get into design?

I've always had an interest in interior design.  Long before HGTV and blogs made home design accessible to the masses, I always found a way to make my surroundings feel pretty and a reflected version of how I saw myself.

Stripes or plaid?

Call it rebellion from 13 solid years of wearing a plaid jumper or skirt but just I can't do plaid. Stripes feel bold and casual and less stuffy to me.  The exception, I do love a good tartan accent at Christmas.

Geometric or floral?

As much as I love a good floral print, I almost never chose it for myself.  I much prefer a graphic print.

Symmetry or asymmetry?

symmetry.  I feel a big need for things to match or come in sets.  I'm working on that casual and balanced look you can only achieve with a little bit of asymmetry in my own home because I love the look.  But I struggle with it.

One decorating "rule of thumb" is:

Buy only what you love.  Every inch of your home is valuable real estate both financially and emotionally. Don't let your house fill up with wasteful items that don't serve a purpose or bring you joy.  Get to the bottom of how you want your home to feel and stick with that plan.

I couldn't live without _____ in my home.
Am I allowed to say tv here?  I'm going to say televisions and blankets.  I am a huge fan of watching tv and see zero point in trying to hide or decorate around a tv.  It's a big part of my life and I'm not going to hide that from myself or others.  Also, as much as I like a good show on Bravo, I'm an avid reader.  Nothing makes me happier than cozying up with a book and a blanket.  I keep faux fur throws on almost every surface in every room.

A design don't:

Following design trends or buying things just to fill up a space. As nice as it is to have a room "finished" if it's not really a reflection of you or how you really live then what's the point.  For instance, I LOVE the look of pretty wood lockers in every single picture I see them in but that would drive me crazy in real life to see a bunch of things piled on hooks and not hidden behind doors.  Sames goes for open shelving in the kitchen, I love the look but it's not for me.  Figure out what makes you happy.

What is your favorite spot in your home?

My bed.  I am totally a sucker for a really cozy bed and serene bedroom.  I love to go to bed early and watch tv or read.  That's my haven. 

What has been one of your biggest design challenges?

money money money money. No really. I think being so hyper-aware of what's in style and what's available and what projects you can tackle can really be a disadvantage sometimes. I have to remind myself that working with what I already and within the constraints of a budget is normal and beautiful homes don't need to be created over night. Also, styling my house for the life we actually lead and not just a design showroom is hard for me, but I'm getting better at that every day. I never want my husband or kids to feel like they can't relax and be themselves in our home. Because, isn't' that really the whole point?


I love Julia's point about decorating for the life you actually lead. I think when we give ourselves permission to do that, we can just take a deep breathe and remember who and what is important in life. Visit Julia Ryan Creates today for more decor and fashion inspiration!

Happy Thursday!


  1. i love the aesthetic in her daughter's precious big girl room!! little girl rooms are just the very best, if you ask me! :)

  2. I'm so excited for this new series! I love getting to know designers better :) I can really empathize with Julie in that, it is so challenging working with a budget! I've been working really hard to start sticking to one the past couple of months. As a newly-wed, I'm in the process of putting my home together with my husband. Its been a really fun process but I have to remind myself on a semi-daily basis that a beautiful home is not designed over night! Anna, of Anna E. Lee - Interior Design (

  3. This is a nice series. I love Julia's style!

  4. Great new series! I'm excited for more! Also I love her design/décor sense and she made great points and tips.

    Thanks for sharing and it was nice getting to know you Julia!


  5. What a great new series. Enjoyed reading Julia's responses. And, totally agree...your home should reflect those who live in it, not the latest and greatest trend.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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