Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ask Me Anything!

photo by Michaela Noelle Designs

It's Tuesday! I'm flying from California to Michigan today, which means I'm leaving my precious family and heading back to my sweet and handsome boyfriend, my little apartment, and a month full of workshops

Life has been different, fast-paced, and I haven't been in my normal routine while I've been home in California. And you know what? I kind of liked it, despite being a routine type of a person. I was able to go on a day trip with my beautiful mama, play with our golden retriever, see some friends, visit with my cousins and their new babes, and soak up the sunshine (it was 90 here yesterday!) Blogging has a been a little sporadic since I've been home, but I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. 

One thing I'm really excited about is starting a new series where I'm going to share about my design school days, all the way until where I am now; a business owner. I want to be more candid here on the blog and encourage others to seriously pursue their dreams, so this is one way I plan on doing that. I also want to open up today's post to you guys. If you have ANY questions for me -- be it about blogging, running my business, personal questions (love those), how I started the Bloom Workshop, time management, interior design / decorating tips, what shampoo I use (hey-- I said anything!) etc. -- ask away! I'm going to answer them all in a blog post next week.

I always love learning more about other bloggers, so I figured it was time to open up the floor and let some questions pore on in. If you don't want to comment, and instead feel more comfortable emailing me, feel free! hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com

Enjoy your Tuesday!



  1. I love this! I'm going to be starting a month long floral program at a nearby university in the fall and would love any advice :)

  2. This is going to be fun! At what point did you decide to become a business owner, start your very own design business and offer services? Was it in relation to blogging or did you always know you wanted to start your own business?

    Excited to learn more!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What was your very first interior design job and how did you land it??

  5. Hi Michaela! I would like to know more about your religious belief-also concerning your relationship with your boyfriend and marriage. You`ve already shared that you read the bible daily and that you are active in your church with the youth. Which I think is very inspiring -all of it!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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