Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Designer Files: Hanging with the Hewitts

I'm excited to have one of my favorite style bloggers, Caycee from Hanging with the Hewitts here today! As a wife, mom, and all around stylish gal, she's dishing on her home, how she got into design and what she can't live without in her own house.


1. You have small children, but you love design and keeping a beautiful home. How do you let your kids be kids, but also keep your home tidy, allowing it to be a place you truly love?

They have their spaces and mommy has hers :)  My kids know they can freely go into any room in our home whenever they choose, but they also know which rooms are not meant for running, coloring, and kickball.  I tried really hard to give them a space just for them, a place their imaginations could run wild, and honestly, in their playroom is where you will find them 90% of the time.  Carson is my neat and tidy child and always cleans up his mess, and Taylor....well, she has a long way to go before I can say that about her ;) 

2. How did you get into design?

It has always been something I love, and the older I get the more I love it.  To be honest, I am not 100% when it really became an obsession of mine, but I am guessing when my husband and I bought our first home. 

3. Stripes or plaid?

Stripes all the way!! 

4. Geometric or floral?

Hmmm....can I please choose both?!? Because this one is a tie! 

5. Symmetry or asymmetry?

Symmetry. I am way too OCD and type A. 

6. One decorating "rule of thumb" is:

Always hang your drapes/curtains as high as you can.  It gives the illusion of a taller window and makes your space appear larger. 

7. I couldn't live without _____ in my home.

Sunburst mirrors. I have them in four different rooms and I never get tired of seeing them. 

8. A design don't:

Don't forget the details that make your space special and unique.  I love walking into someone's home and seeing personal little snippets. 

9. What is your favorite spot in your home?

My daughters room. We are currently in the middle of re-designing it from nursery to big girl room, and I am already in LOVE!! 

10. What has been one of your biggest design challenges?

Our master bedroom.  It is the most oddly shaped room I have ever seen!  It's extremely long but narrow. Furniture placement has been such a challenge in this space. 

Thanks for sharing, Caycee! LOVE Taylor's room and I also adore sunburst mirrors. Don't you love her philosophy on design with kids in your home? I will remember that for one day down the road :) Go say hi to Caycee and get fashion and home inspiration from her here!

You can find all of the other posts in this series HERE.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. I love following Caycee on Instagram! She's hilarious!! Beautiful style and family. Loved reading a little more about her!

  2. I love seeing the pictures from the rooms in her home! he has such a good eye for design, and I have to agree with her, stripes all the way!


  3. I have always enjoyed Caycee's blog and her style - little Taylor's room and new play house are adorable!
    I also adopt the same approach with kids - you play in your area and Mommy plays in hers :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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