Monday, May 2, 2016

Goodbye, First Apartment!

It's been bittersweet over here the past few weeks, as I mentioned on Friday that I moved out of my apartment. It's been the only thing that has been "mine" during my two years in Michigan. While I still consider "home" in California, this was my home away from home. The first place I decorated all on my own, the first place I hosted guests, the place we spent many nights watching movies, having deep conversations, laughing, crying. I will always remember this apartment as the place I lived when I fell in love with my future husband! 

With moving out comes a lot of packing, discarding junk, and getting organized. It's been a long few weeks!! So, what's next?! 

For the next few weeks I'll be living with McCann's mom, then I will move into our beautiful new apartment in mid-May! I can't WAIT to show you. I'll live in the apartment until we get married in September, then McCann will move in :) I've been told by him that I'll need to make the new place a little less feminine...we'll see about that ;) Just kidding! I have a few ways to work with what I already have to turn it into a bit more masculine of a look. Stay tuned!

As a way to say goodbye to me current place, I'm posting some of my favorite pictures of it from my Style Me Pretty home feature! 

Beautiful photos by Ashley Slater Photography 

DETAILS | Curtains (LOVE!) / Headboard / Bedding / Nightstand / Dresser & Mirror: thrifted /Accent Floral Pillows / Curtain Tie Back / Beautiful Morning print / Floral print / Goodnight Wire Sculpture /  Rug / Lamp / Towels / Bath Mat / Floral Painting / Shower Curtain / Wire Rack / Bar Cart: World Market | I Choose Joy print: Parris Chic Boutique | Bookshelf: 55 Downing Street | Cake Plate:Anthropologie | Chalkboard: World Market | Chandelier: World Market | Coffee Table: Lulu & Georgia | Couch: Pottery Barn | Couch Pillows: Custom by Michaela Noelle Designs | Desk: Vintage | Dining Chairs: 55 Downing Street | Dining Room Buffet: Bluedoor Antiques | Dining Table: Custom  | EAT Letters: Anthropologie | Gallery Wall Art: Minted | Gold Curtains: Crate & Barrel | Gold Pouf: Lulu & Georgia | Gold Tray: World Market | Metal Plaques: Pottery Barn (similar) | Tea Time Print: Lily & Val | Wood Sign: House of Belonging

So long first apartment-- you've been good to me! Can't wait for the next adventure.




  1. So bittersweet but so many fun things ahead!! Very excited for you!

  2. So excited for your future!! It is bittersweet however leaving things behind.

  3. Love it that you've held to your Christian beliefs through your dating and engagement, so tricky and hard but so worth it.

  4. I love how you decorated this one, can't wait to see more!

  5. I always loved your apartment it will be missed! But I know that your new apartment will be just as gorgeous! Can't wait to see!!

    Lauren | Lovely Decor

  6. Such a beautiful space - enjoy the exciting changes sweet friend x


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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