Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Fall Home: Kitchen Touches

I have to let you in on a secret. I know everyone loves fall so much (and I do too...eventually!) and is so excited for the cooler temps. But guys, I'm scared. The end of summer is always sad for me, because then comes Fall, which is bearable...but what follows is not. Dreaded winter is just around the corner, at least here in Michigan it is, and the thought of snow and cold and being inside constantly doesn't make me too excited. But that's so my personality; to look to the next thing, instead of enjoying what's right in front of me. In this season I really want to stay focused on the present. And right now, that's the end of summer and the beginning of fall!
I do love the fall eventually, especially since we met and got married in the fall season. I also love it for the cozy textures and home decor that come along with it. So in order to focus on the present and on all the things I love about fall, I'm starting a Fall Home series where I'll be sharing some decor ideas for specific rooms in your house, along with a fall home tour once I get my decorations out. I'll be honest though, that probably won't happen until the first week of October ;) 
We're starting the series off with some simple touches you can add to your kitchen for the new season! Most items are pretty inexpensive so you don't break the bank with this little fall spruce up.
SHOP: pumpkin candle / metallic dish towel  / textured vase / gold bar cart / friends gather dish towel / wood & copper coasters / galvanized tray / gold charger / pumpkin copper trivet / berry stems / table runner marble cake stands / pot holder

Fall is for everything textured and warmer in tone. Warm metals like gold, brass and copper still reign king this season! It's time to bring out the autumn scents (pumpkin, apple, cider, forest, hearth...give me them all!) Cozy your kitchen up with new dish towels, a runner for your table, and some textured pottery with a few branches to add life. This pot holder has my heart. I'll always love the complimentary palette of orange and blue (in small doses). I'm really not sure how to pass up that pumpkin trivet now that I've found it. It's copper...I mean, come on!!

Are you excited about transitioning into fall? And are you going to be adding any touches for the new season to your kitchen just yet?
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  1. I am in love with the new marble pieces at World Market!

  2. Pretty! I love how soft everything is -- like it could seamlessly blend into your existing decor.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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