Wednesday, November 1, 2017

27th Birthday + Savoring the Present

It's crazy how quickly time passes as you look back and yet, it seems to pass so slowly when you're in it. I remember living in Seattle for college-- these years were a little bit hard for me, as I was adjusting to life away from my family, a ton of rain that this California girl wasn't used to, the busy schedule of a college student, and some challenges and trials along the way. I thought those years would never come to an end! But they did. Then I remember to almost 4 years ago when I packed my bags and moved to Michigan for love, something very uncharacteristic of me. The first year was hard. No sugar-coating. It was plain rough for a number of reasons (the heartache of leaving family again, learning a new city, adjusting to the weather here, trying to make new friends, learn where everything was, etc...) I thought I'd never get through that feeling of transition then either. Almost two years ago we lost my husband's father to cancer, a few months before our wedding. It was devastating. The grieving was hard and yet also good. I often wondered and asked God if joy would ever return. Though we still miss his dad and think of him often, joy has returned and hearts have been healed, which we are so grateful for. When we were engaged, I felt like our wedding day would never come. But oh, how it did! And man, did it pass quickly! I look back now on these situations (and numerous others) and think I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. I wish I would have savored those moments more.

Danyelle Dee Photography

Today is my 27th birthday! As I'm reflecting, I'm just hit by how fleeting each season is and feel the need to recommit to savoring the moments and living presently in the now. I'm often future-minded, which is great for setting and hitting goals, but not great for embracing where I am at the moment, no matter the circumstance. Whether in a season of joy or challenge, I want to dare to live fully where God has me. 

My 26th year was so sweet. We did all of our "firsts" as a married couple, we enjoyed a few trips, got our puppy, Lincoln, had a wonderfully warm summer, I worked with so many great design clients, met over 120 women who are passionate about their businesses through teaching The Bloom Workshop, and invested in some amazing, life-giving friendships. I'm so grateful for this life and these moments that I am given every day. Here's to savoring my 27th year!

Thank you so much for following along with me through the many seasons of life. I just love all my readers!

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  1. Beautiful sentiments lady! A great reminder to try and live in the now and be present! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday today and hope you're day is as special as you are!

  2. Happy Birthday Michaela! Wishing you a radiant and joyful year ahead! :)

  3. I love these sentiments! Perspective is SO important and so is savoring the moment as much as possible. Happy Birthday!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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