Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Short List 7

I'm back today with one of my favorite Series: The Short List! This is where I share what's going on in our lives a little bit. If there are ever other questions you want me to cover, just leave them below and I'll add it in next month!

What We're Watching: Well, along with half the country (probably!) we watched This Is Us this last week and omg. So emotional. We just love this show! Not because we love being sad, but because we love the realness and emotion. I think everyone can relate to something in the show. As you know, my husband lost his father 2 years ago, so the last two episodes were pretty tough to get through, but they were actually really good to watch at the same time as being hard.
ALSO, really guilty confession: I watch a show called Married at First Sight. It's as crazy as the title makes it sound ;) Basically, a ton of people apply for the show, experts match 3 couples together to follow for an 8 week show. The first time the couples meet is at the alter (!!!) and then they do life together, as a legally married couple for 8 weeks. They go on a honeymoon, move in together, meet each others families, etc. The experts pair them together based on personality traits and past experiences. It's essentially an arranged marriage, which I'm completely fascinated by. At the end of the 8 week, they can chose to stay married or get a divorce. Quite a few couples over the years have stayed together and one couple just welcomed their first baby. Crazy that this can work! It's very intriguing to me. 

What I'm Using Most: Well let's see...I wear my Hunter boots with inserts (still not warm enough in these temps, but practical!) anytime I go take the dog outside. If it's for a long period, I wear my Uggs. I'm also wearing leggings prettyyy much every day, even if I don't go to the gym because #winter.

For my business, I use AutoCAD and Photoshop daily to help create to-scale drawings and renderings for my clients.

For my makeup routine, I have been washing my face with this rejuvenating cleanser, which smells like apricot, and then since I've been peeling a bit since my facial last week (which is actually good!) I have been putting coconut oil on my face when I wake up, so that it's absorbed by the time I shower and get ready for the day. I'm done peeling today, so it really helped restore and nourish the skin. I'm also obsessed with this Dew Skin Tinted Moisturizer. The days I do go to the gym, I can just wear this and feel like I have a little coverage.

As for my hair routine, which I'll be sharing more about soon, I am using Aveda Shampoo & Conditioner, Surface Protein Cream after I get out of the shower, this Bassu oil in the ends of my hair before blow drying and this favorite root lift. I feel like I've finally figured out my favorite routine!

What I'm Cooking: This week we got our Blue Apron delivery! Hallelujah. I love not having to go grocery shopping or meal plan ;) I also recently made breaded parmesan chicken tenders and my new favorite veggie (thanks to my friend Allison) is green beans with toasted almonds on top and a crank of sea salt. I have TWO invites left, if you want to try 3 meals for free, comment with your email below.

What's on My Desk: So many design projects! Wednesday is my third meeting with a new family who I'm helping design a new construction home for. It's right on a lake, it's going to be beautiful! And this is the inspiration for their kitchen. I love that they want to go bold!!

faucet / drawer pulls / color: Sherwin Williams-- Cascade

Looking Forward to: Valentine's Day and our cooking class tomorrow night! I love that we're doing something interactive. 

What I'm Wishing: FOR SPRING! This part of the year is really, really hard for me in Michigan. I just plain don't like it. 

What We're Reading: Well, for my Bible study quiet time I'm reading through Judges. I'm also reading 31 Prayers for My Husband. Like I mentioned a while ago, I'm going to be starting A Lifegiving Home soon! I'd also love to read something fictional. Anyone have any good chick flicks? 

What Lincoln is up to: he's been so sweet the last week or so! I feel like he mighttt be calming down and (hopefully) becoming less "puppy" with his energy ;) I taught him a new trick with a treat a few weeks ago. He knows how to "leave it" until I say "OK"! We also discovered he can jump up onto our bed now with no problem haha. I do feel slightly bad for him, since it's been so cold, he really hasn't gotten enough walks from his mama. When it is decent outside (aka not in the teens and snowing) we do try to take him to the local dog park, which he loves. I also took him to doggy daycare this last week since it'd been WAY too cold to go outside and he needed some interaction. I love taking him there, because he's SO tired when he gets home! Here he is in his little rain coat...ha! I'll never get over how funny this is to me. He hates it so much, but when it's snowing or raining, it's really helpful!

I'd love to know some of your answers in the comments!

interior design website / services / portfolio


  1. I'd love to try blue apron! laurayepsenkrohne@gmail.com

  2. Where did you get his raincoat from? :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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