Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October 2018 Goals

October is here and I can hardly believe it. We had 90 degree temps two weeks ago and now we're in the 50's! Oh, how things change. I'm here with my October goals today, but first, looking back at how I did in September...

a snippet of our fall decor shared on instagram

- Celebrate our anniversary together! We went to a yummy dinner and had the best night reminiscing! 

- Watch our wedding ceremony video and our speeches on our wedding anniversary. Also, dance to our first dance song. This is a tradition we started last year and I'm so excited to continue doing this forever!

- On the topic of marriage, one of my goals this month is to not be so naggy. I know it's a habit I fall into easily because I like to be in control, but I don't want to be this type of wife! ALWAYS a work in progress!

- In conjunction with our anniversary, I'd love to write a post about marriage so far, what we've learned, etc. If you have any questions, let me know and I can answer them in the post! You can read that post HERE.

- I am currently getting a client's home ready for the Parade of Homes, which starts October 5th here in Grand Rapids. I'm loving how it's coming out and can't wait to show you everything soon! Countless hours go into making it beautiful for my sweet clients, but also getting it tour-ready for all the other hundreds of people who will be coming to see it. Parade starts this Friday, so I've spent lots of time in the past two weeks running around getting things ready for it!

- Go have dinner and see the sunset at the beach with McCann's grandparents. They are only here in the summer and fall months, so we want to see them once more before they move back to Florida for the winter (which speaking of, can I come?! ha!) We didn't make it for a sunset, but DID go for a beach day and apps!

- Use our hot tub a couple more times before it closes on October 1st. Always sad about this! Hooray for the hot tub closing October 15th this year...yay!

- Guys, for the last couple of weeks I've actually been going to the gym a couple times a week and doing weights, then running. I know, it's crazy! I'm trying to start a good habit of this before winter comes and I literally don't want to move out of my cozy little home. Can I be honest, though? I hate running. I feel terrible after I do it, and I can't even run for long periods of time. I run for 3-4 minutes, then increase the incline and fast walk, then put the incline back down to run for another 3 minutes, etc. That's all I can do so far, so I'm trying not to give myself a hard time about it. But it is frustrating that I feel like death and other people say they feel amazing after a run. Maybe I will never be those people haha ;) *Goal here is to CONTINUE doing this! I've been averaging 1x per week the pas 2-3 weeks, but that's better than nothing!!

- Begin getting our speakers lined up for 2019's Bloom Workshop schedule. We're hoping to launch the schedule on Black Friday! Getting lots of details for this together!!

- I'd love to get some things cleaned and organized before October hits. Our garage needs to be cleaned out, I'd like to clean the windows since they're a mess from the storms we've had a couple weeks ago, and I always love cleaning my closet out before a new season. Speaking of that, I do have a couple things for sale here that I just added! CHECK!

- Decorate for Fall no sooner than the last week of September. I'm just really trying to savor this last official month of summer. I can't even fathom it getting cold again :( Send help. I savored summer as much as I possibly could! It's full-blown fall over here.

- Get our holiday plans with my family tentatively laid out so we can start looking at flights. This year we're spending Christmas here in Michigan, but will still go to California to see my fam at some point around the holidays. I hate leaving this to the last minute! We didn't get this solidified yet, but are closer to booking flights.

- Start my new book None Like Him. I just finished In His Image by Jen Wilkin and I loved it so much. It was so helpful to me to learn even more about God's character and how I can be an image bearer in order to live our God's will for my life. Highly recommend!! I'm loving this book so far. The biggest take away so far: the Bible is about Jesus, not me. Learning about his character has been transformative.

- My mom is coming next week to visit and I couldn't be more excited. We're going to Northern Michigan to experience (hopefully) the color changing and go wine tasting. We're also having a spa day, going shopping, and going to eat at some favorite restaurants!

- Cook / bake something fall-inspired. Maybe chili and cornbread, peach or apple cobbler, etc...

- Go to the Keith Urban concert! We're so excited about this, as it's our anniversary present to each other. I'm a total country fan and my husband is just being very kind to me ;)

- Get my parade house photographed and show you soon on the blog.

- Go on a retreat with the other youth group leaders at our church. This is always one of the most fun weekends for us!

- Start with a couple of new clients. Can't wait to dive into more projects with some new families. (PS. I'm booked until mid-November, but am taking clients on after that!)

- Share the Beautycounter Holiday collection with you soon! It's SO good, girls! So many fun gift options.

- Attend a workshop about how to keep our immune system healthy next weekend. I'm excited to learn, but also excited to have my Beautycounter table set up for people to learn about safer beauty!

- Visit the apple orchard where we met and got engaged. Also goal: eat all the donuts there.

- Be intentional about spending time investing in our marriage!

- Go to the dog park as often as we can before the snow hits. Another goal: don't cry when the snow hits ;)

- Share my fall decorations with you both inside and outside and give some tips on how I decorated with what I have. Our fall porch is coming tomorrow!

What are some of your October goals?!

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  1. Do you have any suggestions for ways to be intentional about spending time investing in your marriage? I am looking for some ideas on how to do this with my fiance!

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Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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