Thursday, November 1, 2018

28 + Thankful List 1

Happy November! I can't believe I'm 28 today! I've always loved my birthday being on the first of the month. It feels so fresh and hopeful.

This November my husband and I are going to intentionally set aside time to remember our blessings and name out loud what we're thankful for. It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and totally forget to remember what God has done for us. In case you're interested, we're going to be reading a Psalm of Thanksgiving once a day (we just looked these verses up and wrote them down, one for every day of the month) and then we're going to write down one thing each day on our chalkboard that we're thankful for.

These things can be monumental (like our marriage or our family) or they can be extremely simple and seemingly small (like my favorite tea or cozy pajamas). I thought that once per week, each week in November, I would share some things from my Thankful List here. I used to do this years ago when I took a challenge to list 1000 things I was thankful for. Today is a great day to start, I think, seeing as though it IS my birthday ;)
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- The gift of the gospel. Without this, none of the other things matter. The greatest gift will always be what Jesus has done for us. I hope I never lose sight of this.
- My handsome husband. Forever thankful for the big and the little things he does for me and the life we're living together. I'm extra thankful for the way he serves me (he's the best dish washer and trash-taker-outter and Brita re-filler there ever was, always so willing to help ;)) I'm sure there will be lots of other things about him that make the list.
- Our hilarious doodle pup. Lincoln brings so much joy to our lives...and sometimes some messes, but we love him still :)
- Blankets. You all can't understand this joy unless you live somewhere where it snows ;) ha!
- Family. I'm so thankful for my family; though we're thousands of miles away, I know they care for us. My parent's have always supported my dreams, my job, and even though it's hard living away from each other and it hasn't always been perfect, they are supportive of where God takes us as a couple. I'm also thankful for a brother I love, am proud of and even look up (says a lot, as he's younger than me!)
- Our home. It's tiny, but it's ours and it's cozy. When we do move from this apartment, it'll be tough since this is where we started our lives together!
- Mrs. Meyer soap. Not even kidding, it's making my list!
- Starbucks' Zebra Hot Chocolate: 2 pumps dark chocolate, 2 pumps white chocolate, 1 pump vanilla. Yum! (I don't drink coffee, so this is my winter drink)

"The practice of giving thanks...eucharisteo...this is the way we practice the presence of God, stay present to His presence, and it is always a practice of the eyes. We don't have to change what we see. Only the way we see." -- Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts

What's on YOUR Thankful list? I'll be back next Thursday with more.
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  1. Happy Birthday!
    I really like this idea... taking time each day to be intentional about gratitude. Each night at dinner we do "highs and lows" with the kids. I think we can replace those with what we are thankful for. Perfect month to do that with Thanksgiving in there :) Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. That’s such a great idea!! We always do that with the kids in our youth group. It gets them talking and sharing about their lives. Yes, I love replacing it with a thankful list for November! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!

  2. Happy birthday! My babies (and my husband and pup - so I guess my family!) is number one on my list. I can't believe my greatest wishes came true with them. Hope you have a wonderful day and year ahead!

    1. So, so sweet!! I love that for you. Thank you for the birthday love!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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