Wednesday, November 28, 2018

November Thankful List 4

The last week of November is here and I'm saying farewell to it with my last thankful list. This has been so good for my soul to do each week! 

- even though I don't love winter, I'm thankful for how pretty the snow is from inside.
- lately I've been talking with my mom on the phone like once a day and I just love it. It makes me feel a little closer, though we're thousands of miles away.
- yesterday morning was a rough one for me...without going into many details, I was injured and I'm just thankful it wasn't worse. Also thankful for puppy snuggles after.
- a cozy afternoon reading the Magnolia Journal
- so many ladies have signed up for Bloom Bash Dallas next year. I'm beyond honored to get to encourage and equip them on their journey to creative business ownership!
- sweet (and very cheesy) Hallmark Christmas movies.
- this podcast convicted and blessed me! It's on gratitude and hospitality. 
- sunny winter days
- our Christmas tree
- twinkle lights, wreaths, greenery, the smell of Christmas
- the chance to host some of my girlfriends (actually, about 12!) next week for a My Favorite Things holiday party.
- brunch on Sundays
- even the thought of going home to visit family next week makes me smile. There's nothing like being with your fam and traditions!
- we watched this documentary last night and it was incredibly eye-opening to the gospel in America. It's on my thankful list because I'm grateful that people are speaking truth and I'm grateful for the Lord's kindness in reminding me that HE alone is the gift. 
- my husband's job. He switched companies early this year and we're both so grateful for the timing of this. He loves what he does and that makes me as his wife so happy!
- all of you! I've said it before, but I'm so grateful for you being here, following along and keeping up with my little corner of the internet. I wouldn't be able to continue doing what I love without you!

Happy Wednesday! What are you thankful for this week?

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