Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How to Diagnose Your Skin Type

Alright friends, today I'm dishin' on how to figure out what your skin type is and then what cleanser you should be using to make sure your skin routine is off to a good start.
Skincare is not a one size fits all! Some of us have severely dry skin, while some have really oily skin (I'm oily in Summer and sooo dry in Winter!). And because the spectrum is so wide, there are tons of products on the market to suit the skincare needs of everyone.

And, ya know, to throw a wrench in things, whatever your current skincare regimen might be at the moment, might not be what's best for your skin 6 months from now. Awesome ;)

Here's how to correctly diagnose and check in with your skin to see where you fall on the dry vs. oily skin spectrum:

Do this on a day when you're not in a hurry to get ready in the morning. Wash your face, then wait about 30 to 40 minutes before applying any kind of moisturizer. Examine how your clean skin feels after that time.  
This little check-in will help you to figure out what products you should be using! There's no need for you to buy intense moisture creams if you have oily skin or even balanced skin. And in contrast, someone with dry skin will probably want to steer clear of toners that tend to strip away oils.

When it comes to skincare, apart from using toxic-free products, the other important aspect is that you're using the right products for your specific skincare needs.  

Let's start with the right cleanser for YOU:

Nourishing Cleanser / Charcoal Cleansing Bar-- don't let the price tag on this bar of soap scare you. You can use it twice daily and it'll last you 5 months! / Cleansing Balm Rejuvenating Cleanser

I actually use the Cleansing Balm to remove my makeup (the tiniest amount, so the jar lasts forever!), the Charcoal Bar at night after removing makeup, and then in the morning I use the Exfoliating Cream cleanser or Cleansing Balm. This seems to be the perfect routine for me at the moment, but come Summer, I might have to switch it up.

Are you currently using a foaming face wash? You know that squeaky-clean feeling you get after washing your face? That's due to sodium lauryl sulfate, a common ingredient added to face wash to make it foam.  The problem is that Sodium lauryl sulfate strips the skin of the natural oils that our skin actually needs for protection. Even worse, because it removes the skin's natural, protective oil, the body ends up producing more oil (the very thing you're trying to get rid of) to compensate. Crazy, right?!

So plain and simple, sulfates aren't doing dry skin or oily skin any favors. The first step to a great skincare routine is to make sure your cleanser is safe and the right type for your skin. Otherwise, all of the stuff you put on it after cleansing won't do what it's supposed to!

Hope these tips help! Let me know if you have any questions.

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 hello @ michaelanoelledesigns (dot) com

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