Tuesday, February 26, 2019

My Month in iPhone Photos

Do you ever take TONS of photos on your phone only to never do anything with them?! Something I do on a plane flight is always go through my photos and delete any I don't need anymore. I'm flying today to Palm Springs to meet my mama for a few days, so I thought I'd show you my month in photos before I do the clean-out. I hope you enjoy a peek into my iPhotos! 

A couple weeks ago we had the worst weather I've ever experienced here in Michigan. It was -20 for days in a row and our pipes froze for 48 hours (thanks to my neighbors for letting me shower!) BUT before all that, we took Lincoln outside to a dog park and let him run and play since he wouldn't be doing much of that during the storm. He's so funny in snow...he just loves eating it, which always results in snowballs around his beard.

This is one of the design plans for a client kitchen. I'm SO excited about this kitchen, I could burst. My client's wanted a warm wood tone island, a little darker than their floors, with creamy / rustic cabinets around the perimeter and quartz counters that blend with the cream tones in the cabinets.

This brick will be laid in a herringbone pattern above the range, which will give it a hint of texture and warmth without being too flashy. It's going to be so lovely!

I'm LOVING Beautycounter's new Countercontrol cleanser. My two younger cousins have the whole line and told me their skin has cleared up in just a couple weeks of using it. That always thrills me!! I used this a couple times a week in the morning to wash my face and it keeps the oil at bay. It smells like grapefruit!

 Here is another client project I'm working on. This one is for a whole house renovation! The large wave tile you see will be the master shower walls and the hex tiles will be the shower floor and niche. It's going to be beautiful!

In early February I went to my friend Chelsea's house to make our floral arrangements for my new Flowers for Your Home series. We had so much fun playing with blooms-- we share our love for flowers!

They brightened my week so much!

Out tile shopping for another client at one of my favorite stores-- Virginia Tile!

This is the game plan for another new build. Large subway tiles on the walls of the shower and this fun pattern in the niche (where you put your shampoos) She wants to go with the dark charcoal gray grout. I'm leaning towards the medium gray, since I think it'd be more classic. What do you think?

Lots of my mornings start of with tea (cream caramel decaf with a splash of so delicious coconut creamer in french vanilla, thanks to my friend Jill for the rec!) Normally these mugs go away after mid-January, but that's when we got the insane storms and it just felt right for them to stay out ;)

Lincoln and I taking a Sunday nap. Note his tongue!! Ha.

Visited another of my favorite clients a couple weeks ago and saw the progress on a bunch of rooms and helped them style the house after moving in. The nursery is SO SWEET. Can't wait to go back in a few weeks to finish it off!

Okay, ladies. I've always wanted a pair of patterned leggings. I went to Nordstrom rack to try and find some and I did like this purple and pink pair, but I thought they were too thin ultimately, so the hunt continues. Have any recs?!

Ah, my Valentine's Day roses from my husband!
 I had a big day on Valentine's Day. I went to see a new venue in town and immediately fell in love. Can't wait to host something here for Bloom soon ;)
 This is the kitchen of the venue....GOALS.

After the venue tour, I went to visit my friend Rhi who was selling her beautiful soaps and flower arrangements for V-Day. I got some soaps--they're amazing!

One of my good friends is starting her own sleep consulting business and there's nothing I love more than women following their passions and using their gifts to support their families! I was helping her come up with a logo design and this was my favorite one. Can't wait to show you the final logo once everything is all set. It turned out so cute!

While on Instagram one day, I found this and loved it. You should read it because I think it's really important:

Last weekend my husband and I went to a new coffee and bakery shop in Grand Rapids called Rise Authentic. We got coffee and hot chocolate, donut holes (everything they make is Vegan and Gluten Free, literally the BEST I've ever had!)
 The most exciting thing was seeing my friend Chelsea's mural on the wall. She's SO talented...I can't handle it. The ladies next to us were saying how amazing the mural was and I leaned over and told them I am friends with the artist (couldn't resist;)) They were v excited about that. I feel so proud to know the artist and call her a friend!

This past weekend I also took my husband to see the progress on a client's house. The fireplace insert, windows, and some doors were in! It was so fun to show him some of our work. 

Sunday morning doodle snuggles. Sometimes I ask myself if there's a human living inside of him, hehe.

That's my month in photos!


interior design website / services / portfolio

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