Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Our Fall Porch 2019

I can't believe I'm sharing our fall porch already! I know, I IS October. It just feels so soon still. Last week I went to Trader Joe's with my friend and we picked out pumpkins (we had plans to go to a pumpkin patch but it was down pouring that day, so...Plan B!) 

I knew I wanted to do muted colors, just like I do inside my house, and then pop it with a couple mums. We headed to the nursery after we grabbed our pumpkins and I picked up these peachy sorbet colored mums and the berry pink ones. The center of the peachy orange ones are actually the same color as the pink mums, so it ties in nicely! To finish it off, I picked up a new door mat, on sale at Hobby Lobby for $10. The whole porch was done for around $60! But goodness, pumpkins are not cheap ;) Here's a look!

I planted a little mum plant in my container on the porch next to the fern that's growing like crazy (I'll have to take this out once it dies from the cold, it's an annual. I think I'll replace with something that will stay green all winter, if I can find something.)

Here's a side note question for you: I've never loved our brown front door and I'd love to paint it-- I'm just not sure what color. The shutters and that trim around the door on the front of the house is a dusty navy color. Our siding on the side of the house and back is all the same blue. I think doing it the same color would be too much of the same blue, but I'm considering a lighter blue. What are your thoughts?! 

Back to fall: have you decorated your porch yet?

Happy Wednesday!

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  1. It looks great, love the pumpkin layering! Yup, mine is decorated already! I did it a few weeks ago ... couldn't wait haha.

    I think light blue would be great but to be honest I like your brown door as well!

    1. I like the idea of a light blue as well! Or maybe even white?! I bet yours looks great!!

  2. So pretty! Love the soft, muted colors... and what a steal that mat was! Pumpkins and mums can be so pricey. I always justify it to myself by stretching them as long as I can through end of September/October -- November/Thanksgiving. ;)

    1. Thankfully I found our mums on sale, because I agree with you! Yes, they stay out until the day we get our tree ;) Ha!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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