Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Things I'm Doing During the Coronavirus Quarantine

Well, PHEW. What a couple of weeks we've had. I know everyone is effected in different ways and I want you to know I'm praying for you and our world daily. I thought I'd share a bunch of things I'm trying to do while we're all staying home.
photo: the poffs, from our wedding day

1. Making the bed. I am convinced this is the first step to a better day. I didn't make the bed yesterday and I had a harder day. Not saying it was just the bed situation, but I DO think that walking into your room with a beautifully made bed helps you breathe a sigh of relief.

2. Reading the Psalms. In addition to going through the book of John, I'm also reading one Psalm a day and noting in my journal where I see God in each Psalm. Praying the Psalms is also very helpful in times where you don't even know how to pray.

3. Being sure we take our vitamins! We take a multivitamin, probiotic and Vitamin D3 every day. I just ordered Vitamin C which we'll also add in the routine. 

4. Washing my hands like a mad-woman. Then promptly applying lotion...anyone else super dry?! 

5. Washing our jackets, couch blankets, sheets, and kitchen/hand towels more often.

6. Wiping down my phone once a day. So many germs are probably on there!

7. Each having our own hand towel in the bathroom to dry our hands. It seems like the right thing to do, ha!

8. Trying to keep up with house chores just like I usually would! This gives me a sense of normalcy.

9. Making it a priority to reach out to my loved ones. Video chats with friends and playing games (we downloaded Jackbox) over Zoom with family and friends has been an awesome way to pass the time. I think I've Facetimed my mom every morning since we've been shut in. It's been nice to connect like that!

10. Watching the Star Wars movies...much to my dismay ;) I made this promise to my husband years ago after he found out I haven't seen any of the movies. He said now was a great time to watch them. Last weekend we watched the second one (but actually the 5th in the series...mind blown haha) and so far, your girl is NOT a fan. Hoping for things to look up soon ;) 

11. Making my husband watch a rom-com or two with me, due to the above LOL

12. Baking! Well, I haven't yet, but I'm about one overripe banana away from a delicious batch of banana chocolate chip bread. I'm also planning to bake chocolate chip cookies and scones soon, too!

13. Taking EXTRA good care of my skin. Listen, if I don't come out of this quarantine with the best skin of my life, I have failed. I've been living makeup free for almost a week and my skin is so happy about it. I'll do a post next week on my morning skincare routine, but you probably know I'm a big fan of these products.

14. Taking Lincoln on more walks and snuggling with him in the morning. I have one veryyy happy pup!

15. Making time for house projects that we usually put off...basically getting a jump start on Spring Cleaning:
+ Clean out the Tupperware
+ Organize the pantry (we might even measure our pantry cupboard for some pull out shelves so that we can better utilize this counter-depth pantry.
+ Clean out the linen closet
+ Organize my closet
+ Clean out under our bathroom sinks
+ Recaulk the builtins (this is SO needed! It's all cracking since we installed them last year because of settling...this is normal and fixable.)
+ Dust baseboards
+ Clean dishwasher
+ Pull front yard weeds
+ Built planter bed in backyard
+ Clean windows inside and out
+ Dust blinds

16. Watching church on the live stream each Sunday and keeping up with favorite faith-filled podcasts like Ask Pastor John, The Briefing, Journeywomen, Made for This, Verity, etc.

17. Sanitizing our door knobs, hardware and countertops as often as I can.

18. Not checking the news too often and NOT checking Facebook before I fall asleep. These things tend to fuel my anxiety and I want to focus Truth, especially before bed. Instead of fueling the anxiety fire, I'm reminding myself that God is in control, He holds all things in His Hands, He will never leave us, He sees and knows all, He is our comfort, our strength, our healer and our helper.

I'll end with this:

I thought I'd share a couple of things I'm trying to do every day while we're staying home in hopes that it might inspire you, too! They are simple, but attainable. 

+ Something Active (walk the dog, do a workout video, maybe just do a couple sets of crunches)
+ Something with God (read the Bible, a devotional book, pray)
+ Something Relaxing (watch a favorite show or read a book, do my nails, do a facial...charcoal mask coming in handy ;))
+ Something for Work (whether it's for Beautycounter or an interior design client I'm working for virtually, or writing a blog post)
+ Something Communicative (stay in touch with friends and family)
+ Something for Outreach / Community (reach out to a neighbor, donate to a local food pantry, write a note to my grandparents...)
+ Something for our Home (I have a whole list of projects that I want to get done without having to leave the house: clean out the Tupperware drawer, clean out the pantry, organize my closet, clean the windows, re-caulk our builtins, dust the blinds...)
+ Something for our Health (take vitamins, drink tons of water, eat veggies, or maybe it's even putting on makeup and real pants for mental health ;))

What things are you doing these days?! Lots of love, friends!

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