Friday, September 24, 2010

Fashion Friday #3, the airport & leaving my puppy

Coming to you live from the San Jose Airport, getting ready to fly to Seattle.  To be honest, I get kinda anxious about flying.  Our morning started out rough.  First, I woke up to this:

Shasta's guarding the door. She never lays here.  Ever.  But she has this innate sense in her telling her I'm leaving again.  So then she decided to lay about 6 inches from my foot as I was getting ready:

I didn't mind though, because really, who could deny this cute face?!

Luckily all this fit into 4 suitcases:

 The limo driver was supposed to arrive at 5:30 and we didn't see her until 5:50am.  Minor panic.  Then we loaded our suitcases into the trunk and the trunk wouldn't shut!  Major panic.  But guess what this crafty girl thought to do? Duct tape it shut, of course.  And it sealed our luggage in all the way to the airport.  We made it enough time for me to be typing this post! Phew!

Here's what I'm wearing on the airplane:

Skinny Jeans- Citizens
Top- from B.P. section of Nordstrom
Shoes- Steve Madden's gladiator sandals

Gotta arrive in the rainy city in style (:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Love and Flying to Seattle,


  1. I felt all the emotions possible reading this post! Sad, Happy, stress,excitment etc. You look adorable! Good Luck in Seattle!

  2. Watch out Seattle- here she comes! I bet it was so hard to leave your adorable puppy! I feel for you. You look so great for your journey- again with my Nordstrom fave!

  3. Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. In questo nulla in vi e credo che questa sia un'ottima idea. Pienamente d'accordo con lei.
    E 'vero! Ritengo che questa sia un'ottima idea. Sono d'accordo con te.

  4. I adore your top! Soooo cute!!! Love it! How smart of you to think of duct tape and what a sweet puppy you have.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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