Friday, December 31, 2010

Fashion Friday #14 + a Rope Twist Hairstyle

Since I was given my Canon Rebel T1i for my birthday in November, I've loved trying to learn new things on it.  So I took my parents down to the railroad tracks in front of our house for a little photo shoot.  Then my dad took pictures of me for Fashion Friday!  Here's my favorite from the photos I snapped of them.  Aren't they cute?

{Yes, Shasta stuck her tongue out for the picture...}

This week's outfit is one I received for Christmas.  My favorite part must be the cowgirl boots, though! 

{Had to try on my new hat, too (: }

{Whoever did the graffiti on the freeway wall this week, we thank you.  It made for a great back drop. This is the one time we liked your illegal behavior}

Dark Skinny Jeans: Vigoss
Pink Top: B.P. Nordstrom
White Sweater: Forever 21
Boots: Nordstrom
Hat: Macy's

For the hair portion of the post, I'm showing you how to do a simple twist to the side of your hair.  It ends up looking like a rope in the end.  I do it a lot to keep my hair out of my face.
{I hope you enjoy hearing me say "our" hair, "our"head etc...not sure why I said that! I was doing MY hair!}

{If you try any of the styles I show on here, please send me pictures and I will feature them on my blog once I get a few people to submit!}

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!  What are your plans?  Doing anything fun for New Years Eve? This is my last weekend home, as I leave for Seattle on Monday.  Such a wonderful break! 

Happy New Year to all of my lovely readers {commenters and silent followers, too!}, friends, and family!  I appreciate all of you for the encouragement, inspiration and gift of friendship you've given me. Can't wait to see what 2011 has in store!

Love and Fashion,


  1. you have AMAZING hair - so jealous ;)

    Hooray for 2011! I think i'll be parked infront of the FSU game at a friend's house until it's time to shout happy new year!

    Have an awesome 2011 <3

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  2. I can see where you get your great looks. Your parents look like a wonderful couple, and could that dog be any prettier either?!

  3. Happy New Year!! I love this look! So great!!

  4. Your parents are the cutest couple!! Great picture! Love your boots! I hope you have a wonderful New Years! xoxo

  5. Your parents are too cute. I love the setting of the train track for the photos . . and the illegal behavior is cracking me up!! Beautiful as always, my dear. Happy New Year.

  6. Your dad takes such beautiful pictures of you!

    I always twist my bangs back in a single twist, but I never thought to do two and wrap them together like you did! I'll have to give it a try with my short little bang :)

  7. Beautiful hair! I don't have enough for that :(

    Great photos! This year I'm trying to make an effort to get to know my camera. New years res!

    Happy New Year!

  8. Your parents are adorable! That totally made me smile! Not to mention you are adorable, too! I love your tutorials...we have similar hair, although mine is much more frizzy and crazy, but still the length is I love trying out your hair tutorials!

    Hope you have a great New Year!!

  9. You are so B E A U T I F U L, I hope you have an amazing New Year! Cheers.

  10. love the picts--your outfit is fab! and that pict of your parents is so great! happy new year chick!

  11. you totally reminded me of a rope braid my mom used to do in my hair when i was in kindergarten!!!! except it was my whole hair and started in a ponytail. i wonder if i could do it with all my hair like a loose side braid...

  12. You are so cute! Your outfit is darling :) I need some of those VIGOS skinnies.

    Love your railroad picture :)

  13. you look so pretty ! x

  14. You are so pretty! I love your boots. Love your pictures!

    Check out my Modcloth giveaway at


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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