Monday, December 20, 2010

Home for the Holidays: Michelle from Ten June

Today we have the special treat of hearing from my girl, Michelle, from Ten June.  If you're looking for one last craft to conquer before the holidays, she has a great idea for you- a simply adorable wreath!  Michelle is beautiful, sweet, genuine, and has such a cute and cozy home. Take it away, girl!

Hi friends! It's Michelle from Ten June. I am super excited to be guest posting for Michaela! She is such a sweet soul with an absolute talent for home design and I feel blessed to have gotten to know her through the blogging world.

Michaela asked if I would share a Christmas craft with all of you. We have done so many fun things around our house this holiday season, but I thought I'd share one of my favorites- a wreath project. This year, I decided to mix in some "cozy" and natural elements to my traditionally sparkly Christmas decor. 

Think: lots of pom poms....

...pine cones...

 and... yarn!

Yes, yarn! It might sound a little grandma-ish, but I think it's adorable. So I decided to make a "cozy" inspired Christmas wreath this year, as well. Drum roll please.....

A yarn-wrapped Christmas wreath! And I'm not the most patient craft person, so I promise it's pretty easy to make! Here's what you'll need to make one, yourself.

-a couple balls of yarn
-felt squares
-straw wreath

When you get started, leave the straw wreath in its plastic wrapper. This makes things a bit neater as you wrap the yarn around.

And yes, you do see a glass of white in the background! That's always a necessity when it comes to me and crafts :)

Next up? Wrap the yarn around the wreath! It's a little time consuming, but definitely easy. Here's my almost-finished product.

Then, I simply cut some large circles out of felt squares in a spiral shape. I folded each spiral into a flower shape and pinned each onto the wreath with a tack.

I then stuck in a few branches of fresh tree trimmings and, voila! You've got a Christmas yarn wreath.

I put the wreath in our kitchen on a door that goes into our sunroom. It's the perfect thing to spruce up the area in a cozy, Christmas way!!

We're loving the wreath and it definitely helps that it was easy and cheap (probably about an $8 project altogether!). Thanks so much for having me, Michaela!! And Merry Christmas, everyone!!

Thanks, Michelle! It's lovely.  I love how a simple thing like this adds so much charm to your kitchen.  I'm all about the flowers!  Stop by Ten June to say hi to Michelle and learn of more DIY projects and other fun design ideas.  She's super stylish and one of my closest "friends" in blog land! You'll love her, promise (:

Love and Home for the Holidays,


  1. Wow...that wreath is beautiful and I love all the decorations:)
    Kisses, my dear

  2. Still loving it, especially the little flowers. They look like the precious bows you put in a little girls hair.

  3. Very cute! And it's maybe the solution to my very white back door. I have been wanting a modern looking wreath back there, but white wasn't going to do the trick! I could pick up a big ball of a darker yarn after work today ... ;)

  4. cool wreath! what a great idea :)



  5. I think it's a super cute craft project!

    Merry soon to be Christmas!!!

  6. What a fun project!!!!! So glad she shared!
    Merry Christmas!

  7. Beautiful decorations!


  8. That wreath is so pretty! Thanks for sharing. I think I am going to check out Ten June blog now :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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