Monday, December 6, 2010

Houses Covered in Icicles

Over Thanksgiving break my family was able to visit my grandparents in the Sierra Mountains.  To say it was cold would be an understatement. Freezing-your-butt-off-cold is more like it.  It did, however, make for some beautiful pictures!  My dad took our dog for a walk and took my new Canon Rebel T1i with him to snap these stunning images. {Yes, I was home in the warm house by the fireplace. Don't judge} The neighborhood my grandparents live in is so charming.  Take a look at some adorable houses:

Those are some serious icicles!

She's just such a natural in front of the camera (:

Their next door neighbors even have some horses in their yard

I give you full permission to make one of these images the background on your computer...I sure did! {Okay, mine's the one of Shasta}

Have I showed you enough to want to take a trip to their neighborhood?? On Wednesday I'm going to be sharing more of the interiors of my grandparent's beautiful home with you!

Happy Monday, lovelies!

Love and Icicles, 


  1. What beautiful pictures! I don't blame you...I might have stayed in the warm house too :) Hope you have a great day!

  2. Beautiful photos. The houses are adorable... the snow everywhere makes them look postcard worthy and my goodness, that view!

  3. I've never seen snow like that before! It's just breathtaking. I'd be right there by the fire as well though! But these my friends are just beautiful!

  4. Very beautiful! Nice new blog background. :)

  5. Michaela, those are some beautiful pics! What a winter wonderland you are in. Thanks for stopping by & Merry Christmas!

  6. Great pics! I would love to be curled up with some hot cocoa in one of those homes :)

  7. Oh wow!! Now that my lovelie, is a Winter Wonderland! Everything is so gorgeous and white! I love it. Thanks for sharing such amazing photos! xo

  8. I saw your comment over at decor8 and thought I'd pop in and say hi! It's a thrill when I see a blogger from my neck of the woods...I am a follower now.

    Looking forward to seeing your grandparents interior.

  9. thanks for following my blog!! you sure do have a lot of ice and snow over there!! stay warm!!

  10. those houses are so darling! it looks so christmasy {is that a word?} with all the snow! so pretty

  11. wow. where are the sierra mountains??? i'm thinking montana? i'm an east coast girl & i'm sad to say i haven't been past kansas. would love to live in a cabin like one of those. forever!


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Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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