Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Little More Christmas

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm so wiped out from shopping.  My mom and I went to the mall for the second time this week!  Oh, and Target, which is a total zoo!  I have to admit, we're a little behind in getting gifts.  We normally have all of our gifts wrapped and under the tree by now.  But little by little, we're getting there and it's okay if it's not done yet.  Are you done shopping yet?? Only 10 day's until Christmas! Come on little elves!

Today I wanted to show you some pictures of our little credenza in the dining room all gussied up for Christmas.  We inherited the furniture piece from my great grandma when she passed away and I adore it.  The richness of the wood is so beautiful.  The drawers are a tiny bit hard to open {okay, a lot hard to open}, but it gives it character!  {I love that anything that is old or doesn't work well has "character".}

Here's what we {my mama and I} came up with:

Some real greenery keeps the room smelling fresh!  The chapel on the far right was given to my mom and her 5 brother's and sisters by their parents one Christmas.  It has a husband and wife figurine that goes with it.  I've always loved it because I love beautiful, quaint churches covered in snow.

A glass vase filled with fake snow, pine cones and sparkly ornaments!

I found these plain cream candles at Pier1 for a great deal, because they were, well, plain.  So I brought them to the next level by rubbing the bottom part of the candle with a glue stick and dipping it in sparkly silver glitter.  Now they fit in with the rest of the decor!  Cheap way to get fun candles!

We found this adorable picture of my brother and I holding my dad's hands while ice skating at the outdoor down town rink.  I was 7 and Colin was 4.  He's so cute with his little Sharks hat (: Ice skating is one of my very favorite things! It's personal touches like these that make the Holiday's so special.

Finished product!

Oh-- we got our Christmas cards all finished and picked them up today.  My mom and I can't wait to send them out.  We're so happy with how they turned out.  Can't wait to show you soon!

Does your family do Christmas cards?  Do you have any furniture pieces that are special to you?  And do you decorate one room in your house for Christmas, or spread your decorations out??

Happy Thursday! I'm sharing this post with Fingerprints on The Fridge

Love and 10 Days 'till Christmas,


  1. Looks so beautiful:) I love the Joy sign:) Kisses, my dear

  2. I just love all these little touches :) Hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Beautiful! Love the little touch of sparkle on the candles. Incorporating the old pictures is a great way to bring memories back during this special time.

  4. The glitter candles are so cute! It turned out great!

  5. That church is great. I haven't done real pine since we didn't do it growing up {my dad swells up like a balloon he is so allergic}. I really need to, I love the smell it puts off. Great vignette, love the personal touches!

    Sent out all of the gifts and cards on Monday, and now we're just relaxing.

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Your house looks beautiful. I am behind on shopping too for the same reason - I hate crowds and waiting in line and all of the stores are a zoo. So that's why I am focusing on online shopping. I don't know what we did before the Internet.

    P.S. Please stop by my blog - I am hosting an amazing EmersonMade Giveaway, just in time for the holidays.

  7. Love the touches of sparkle to the candles. Great idea!

    We don't do Christmas cards. It's not that we don't want to, but right now it's an unnecessary expense that we can cut out.

    We also keep our Christmas decoration in the main rooms of the house. Living room, dining room, kitchen, and a small overflow into the guest bathroom. Christmas stays out of the bedrooms..just doesn't make much sense to me to have it in there.


  8. looks so pretty chick! can't believe 10 days until christmas! yay~

  9. Beautiful! I am so happy you found my blog and thanks for becoming a follower. I am off to follow you too. Happy Holidays!

  10. Everything looks so festive and pretty Michaela :) Way to go. And that photo of you and your Dad and brother is way too cute. That's the best part! Now I need to go wrap my presents!!! xo

  11. The photos is priceless. Please tell me it's not nine more days now!!! Wowzers!!!!!!!

  12. Ah, so, so pretty! Such a pretty set-up, I especially love the candles! Good job!

  13. the sparkle candles are spectacular! great job :) hope the rest of your shopping gets done soon! xoxo {av}

  14. belinda@designsbybelinda.comDecember 16, 2010 at 7:02 PM

    Michaela, you and your Mom have done a fabulous job of decorating the house. I have really enjoyed following your blog. The candle sparkle idea is a great way to enhance an ordinary candle. I love the antique chest with the burlwood drawer front on the top drawer. Hearing about your special decorations was a really nice person touch. Can't wait to see it all.

  15. Loving all the holiday festiveness! I especially love the candles. Such a great idea! :)

  16. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who is not done with Christmas shopping! Your christmas decorations are too cute... love those candles! They are fabulous

  17. Oh my goodness! I absolutely love the candle idea!! I am definitely stealing that idea for the future! Thanks for sharing!

  18. I loved the way that you dipped the end of your candles into glitter. I'm going to have to remember this. Wouldn't red look great for a Valentine's table setting??


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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