Monday, March 28, 2011

Birds + Tea Cups + M&M's

I promise my title will make sense at the end of this post (:

Last week my mom and I took down all of our wintery decorations on the mantel and made room for a little bit of spring.  Aside from putting up a sweet lamb and bunny {Hooray for Easter!}, I also made an easy art piece using a canvas, letter stencils, Mod Podge, card stock paper, a decorative stencil and paint.

First, I painted the canvas a lighter version of the color of our living room.
Then I stenciled a design on the background:

Next I found this cute bird silhouette on The Lettered Cottage. Layla used it for her mantel, too! I printed it on card stock so it'd be a little thicker, then cut it out and Mod Podged it onto the canvas:

I stenciled the word "Bloom" down the side to really make it feel like spring:

Here's how it looks on the mantel!

On the other side of the room, we put out some more "springy" decor on my favorite piece of antique furniture.  My great grandma left this buffet table for my mom and dad and the vintage tea cups for me. I just love them (:

A photo of flowers in a gold frame and a sparkly candle vase complete the table:

Lovely roses on the dining table:

And of course some pastel colored candy in the candy jar:

And that, my friends, is how birds, tea cups and m&m's all go together.

Sorry for the picture overload(:
What are you doing to prepare for Spring?

Have a wonderful Monday, loves!

Love and Pastel m&m's,


  1. Love your Easter deco! How long did it take you to do that? As for myself, I mostly just decorate with fresh flowers, some delicate pussy branches and maybe some decorated eggs. I did a whole post on Easter decoration last week and still haven't decided whether I should try a bowl filled with eggs...

  2. Picture overloads are great! Always fun to see ;)

  3. I love the canvas you did. I was just looking at one at the store today and put it back because I wasn't quite sure how to use it yet!

    How is the dresser going? I have a projects in progress linky party today, I would love you to link yours up! Hope to see you there!

  4. Love the canvas! All the spring decor is great.

  5. such cute ideas! im totally loving that canvas. and i want those M&Ms.

  6. LOVE it! Such timeless and beautiful decor :-)

  7. Eeep! I love canvases Michaela :) But you knew this already hehe love the roses and I too put out pretty candy for Easter. It's like my fave holiday simply because of the colour palettes hehe xoxo

  8. The canvas is perfect! You are so talented. So far for Spring I have added fresh tulips to our home and have eaten way more pastel candies than I want to admit ;)

  9. now I'm dying for some M&M's!

    That canvas is too cute! I want one! :) Maybe I'll do that as my Spring project!

    xo! Lauren @ tickled.

  10. Looks like spring! I love the teacup and saucer on the candlestick idea! Such a creative idea for displaying gorgeous china :)

  11. very, very cute. loving the teacups! yay for easter time :)

  12. Very cute idea! Love the Spring touches-it just livens up everything! Have a great day! xoxo

  13. So fun! I love vintage teacups :) We still have snow on the ground, so it doesn't quite feel like spring yet. My nails are bright sparkly pink though :)

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  16. Love it all! There can never be too many pictures! :) Sorry for the comment issues! LOL

  17. WOW!!! Those tea cups are amazing. I love the history of them =) So so special! You are so creative with your mantel and with your stencils etc. I wish I was as creative and artsy as you! I love the Spring/Easter feel you have going on and you have such a beautiful home!!! Great photos!!! Eeee! xo

  18. It looks great. I love what you painted and who doesn't love fresh roses sitting out. Now I am wishing I had some of those M&M's to eat right now! xoxo

  19. ADORABLE! I love the teacups and of course the candy. I saw the BLOOM poster when I was over last week, and this picture does not do it justice. It totally adds to the room. Fresh flowers are a must too. AH LOVE IT

  20. Very cute. Love the teacups on the pillar holders. Great idea!

  21. You are all ready for spring! I love the great ideas. The buffet is gorgeous. It's so special to be able to have pieces of family history to always cherish! I also love your family room's vaulted ceiling! :) How fun to do this with your mom. My mom and I always love to talk about decorating together!!

  22. i love your house - so cozy and classy all in one! :)

  23. Love your are so creative. Teach me. Haha.

    Can't wait to see your house. In person. WOO!!

  24. I put out my pastel M&Ms this weekend too! :) And your canvas looks great!

  25. For Spring, I'm decorating with dust bunnies. Ha! Just kidding. I actually don't really do anything. [Boring.] I'm sure the kiddos will bring home colorful art from school and church that I can paste all over the house! ;)

    Love your artwork! I happen to have a thing for little birds, but it's really cute! And my mom collects tea cups (oh my - so many beautiful ones!). She also always puts out those "Easter" M&M's. I guess I'm the slacker. Lol.

    Sophisticated Steps

  26. am I a horrible person if I say I dont do anything? In my defense we just moved and I wait for things to go on sale, I do the after the Holiday shopping.

    Write it in Lipstick

  27. Love the roses in the dinning room, and the cute teacups! Your so cute! :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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