Friday, March 4, 2011

Fashion Friday #23

Happy Friday! We made it to the weekend.

Fun fact: Seattle is the only place we can have multiple seasons in one day. {I just made that up} Exhibit A: Walking back from class it was so sunny and, dare I say, warm {if you count 50 degrees as being warm, which I now do}  So I ran down and took pictures for today's post.  Here's what I'm wearing:

Please note: I'm wearing sunglasses. I'm surprised I could even find them ;)

Top: Queen Anne Disbatch
Jeans: Citizens
Boots: Steve Madden

Anyways.  When we were done taking pictures, we came back inside {thankfully}, and ten minutes later was it hailing! Pelting, really.  And a windstorm.  Basically, we experienced a tsunami. Then, the sun was shining again later in the day like nothing ever happened.
I learned umbrellas are extremely necessary in hail. It kinda hurts. So I pulled out my Coach umbrella and put my brave face on. 
Moral of the story: Be prepared for anything!

Here are some skirts I'm loving from J.Crew.  I may just make a purchase, but first I need your opinion.  





Help me...which one is your favorite??

Announcement! I am selling a pair of Seven Jeans that no longer fit me! 
size: 26
cut: boot
wash: dark
price: $50+ shipping is on me! {retail for $100}

E-mail or comment if you want to be the lucky owner! 

Love and Fashion,


  1. Know all about that crazy weather! We had sunny skies the other day that turned into the worst thunderstorms and tornado weather! It was so not fun. Love you outfit. The J Crew skirts are all adorable! But, I do like the 2nd one.

  2. I love number 2!! and once again your outfit is adorable and I am so jealous of your fashion sense!

  3. Gorgeous pictures! I love that shirt paired with the brown boots. I vote for skirt #2 since I have been eyeing it myself :) Good luck picking one!

  4. #2 looks like "you" to me, they are all adorable!

  5. love your outfit! and as usual your hair looks AMAZING! :)

    too hard to choose between the JCrew skirts! I love them all ... If I HAD to, probably the last one?! Oh gah, I don't know!

    Happy Friday! xo!

    Lauren @ tickled.

  6. Cuuuuute outfit!!! As always :)
    Oh and I like #3!

  7. You're too cute... and I must say I REALLY love that second skirt! I so miss spring / summer shopping and wish I could right now... I just try not too look at all those cute stores and websites *sigh*... next year! ;) haha

    Have a great weekend! xx

  8. cute look! love skirt number 1 :)

    happy weekend!

  9. Cute outfit! I have those same Steve Madden boots!! Wear em with everything :) And I'm diggin' on #4 :)

  10. You look adorable as always!!! Have a fantastic weekend! xoxo

  11. ah you are stinkin cute! i love the 2nd one i think! but you really can't go wrong! have you sold the jeans?? i might want them:)

  12. Have I ever told you how amazing your hair is? Amazing. Cute outfit, Michaela! Happy weekend :)

  13. You are just beautiful:-) Ok, I like the shape/style of skirt #1, but I love the detail of skirt, I guess it's a toss up between both. What a lovely dilemma though:-) xoxo

  14. You have the best fashion sense eva. And look how adorable you are!! :) xo

  15. Cute, cute, as always! I would go with skirt number 2!

    Have a great weekend :)

  16. favorite is #4 but i really like #2 as well..

    oh and i wish i could fit in size 26 :)

  17. stop being so beautiful

    number,1,2,3,&4 are my favorite. so you should go with those.

  18. tough choice, i'd go with 1 because it looks a bit more versatile, but i adore number 2. get them all!

  19. You are gorgeous, like always. Why is your hair always so perfect? Mine is always in a bun. Haha.

    I like skirt #2.

  20. daaaang girl! love that saucy outfit. citizens are some of my fav jeans and i die for steve madden boots!

    love that first skirt! happy weekend!

  21. So fun!!! And I am with you...50 is a warm day for sure! My favorite skirt is #2! And once again...we think alike with #4..I love that gingham top! :)

  22. All those skirts are so cute but I'm really loving the second one :)

  23. love love your blog! new follower and i would say number three I have not seen anything like that before and seems like you could wear it with a lot!
    xoox em

  24. Your outfit looks incredibly comfortable!! :) Love those boots! And the 50 million seasons in one day, I totally understand lol.

  25. Lovely outfit! You are rocking those boots! Have a delightful weekend, Kellie xx

  26. you look GORGEOUS Michaela! and love all the skirts you picked especially #2 and #4.
    hope you are having a great weekend :) x

  27. HA HA! I am going to start making up fun facts too, that cracked me up. And I'm glad you got even a minute of sunshine!

    PS. Yes, I'm doing that thing again where I go back and read all your posts I didn't get to read all week. Get ready for 46 emails in your inbox from Michelle @ Ten June :)

  28. i love those steve madden boots. i literally wear them every day.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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