Saturday, March 12, 2011

Journey for Jessica

Happy Saturday! Today I wanted to let you all in to a different part of my life. 

One of my sweet friends, Jessica, got into a terrible car crash August 2nd, 2009 (a few months after we graduated high school). The car accident caused Jessica to be rushed to the hospital in critical condition. She had suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and was in the hospital until February of 2010.  She's now at home with her parents getting therapy each day, but has a long road of recovery before her.  They work tirelessly with Jessica each day and have been very successful in getting her to swallow baby food, stand in her standing frame, as well as pick up and release objects and at this time trying to find a way to communicate.

Desperate to help their daughter, Jessica’s parents have been contacting specialists from around the country. Months ago they received a call from Dr. Defina of the International Brain Research Foundation in New Jersey who has agreed to treat Jessica’s brain injury and assist in waking her. The national average success rate for serious TBI injury recovery is 5%. Dr. Defina has an 85% success rate and is sought-out world-wide for his medical procedure. This program is very expensive and we are doing our best to raise money to get Jessica this chance for a full recovery and to assist with the ongoing, daily medical expenses.

In order to raise money for Jessica's continued therapy, we are holding a concert and an auction, with all proceeds going to her sweet family. 

The concert is next Saturday, the 19th and I can't wait to go!

While I know my blogging friends can't actually make it to the concert, you can still help by praying for my beautiful friend! Also, if you'd like to donate an items to the auction, we'd love that, too! 
Jen at MadeByGirl is donating one of her LOVE prints

And Becki and Wendy from Whippy Cake are donating some glamour bands!

It's going to be a great night. If you have an etsy shop and are willing to donate toward Jessica's auction, please email me! (
If you'd like to donate to Jessica and her family in order to help her on the road to recovery, go here, and click on "donations" to learn more.

Jessica's incredible mom, Lisa, writes Jessica's updates on a Facebook page every week to let everyone know how she's doing.  If you'd like those updates, just go join the page here and click on "extended info" for Lisa's updates on Jess!

Thanks so much for all your prayers. We're really excited to see the Lord work in Jessica's life in the next few months. Praying for progress every day and praising God that He is faithful!

Love and Sweet Friends,


  1. Wow, this is absolutely heartbreaking...I will definitely pray for your sweet friend and hope the fundrasier is a huge success. She is very lucky to have a friend in you Michaela.

  2. What a tragedy! Jessica is very lucky to have such supportive family and friends!! I hope the fundraiser goes well and lots of donations are collected!!

  3. Oh my goodness Michaela, she is so beautiful. This is heartbreaking. You are so sweet for doing this! I really hope they can raise enough money for her to get her back to health!! Thinking of you xo

  4. oh gosh TBI stories just absolutely break my heart. ugh. so so sad. sending prayers her way.

  5. What a wonderful thing you are all doing for a family in need. This really touches my heart as our youngest hopes to specialize in Cognitive Science and work with trauma patients. I will be sure to share her story with her.

  6. Praying for your sweet friend and that the Lord will work miracles, because we know He can!

  7. I am so sorry about your friend but I am also very happy that you all are doing something so great for her! I love that you're doing this as well. I'm off to her facebook page!

  8. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful friend! Here is hoping for a wonderful auction and a speedy recovery! You are all so amazing to put something like this together for her!

  9. I will most definitely put her on my prayer list :) I hope the concert and auction are a huge success!

  10. What a heartbreaking story! You are all amazing for all you are doing to help her. My prayers are with her!

  11. Absolutely loving your blog. Lets be Blog Friends!

    Jenn @

  12. So sad to hear about your friend. :( I really pray that everything goes well in NJ. While I can't attend the concert, I did make a small donation. Wish I could help more!

  13. Oh my heart is so heavy. Jessica is just beautiful. What a life changing event for everyone involved. Thanks for passing this along. Will make a donation. Thanks, Michaela.

  14. This is heartbreaking. I will definitely be praying!

  15. I pray for your friend Jessica, may she recover with gods grace

    Super Yummy Recipes

  16. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. What a great idea to have a concert and auction! I wish her and her family all the best and continued successful treatments! Miracles can happen, and I will pray for her continued success with the therapy!

  17. I will be lifting her up in prayer and I will pray that the concert raises all the money they need for her doctors bills. Much love to you and her family.

  18. this story brought tears to my eyes.... i know first hand what her family is going through as one of my family members suffered a TBI a few years ago... my thoughts and prayers are with her and her family!

  19. What an awesome post. I will be praying for your friend!

  20. p.s. I'm from the Tri-Cities and of course, Seattle is the quick getaway of choice for good restaurants and good shopping!

  21. What a heartbreaking story. She and her family and her in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the fundraiser is a huge success.

  22. Truly heartbreaking. Sending prayers and positive thoughts to her and her loved ones. You are a great friend.

  23. Hi Michaela. Thanks for following my blog, which seems so insignificant at this moment. I'm so sorry for your friend.

    I can help in two ways, the best way is prayer. The Lord is the Divine Physician and all things are possible with God! I'll pray for her recovery and strength and financial resources for her family.

    I also own a boutique, The Pea Closet - a personalized, trendy, handmade boutique

    I'd love to donate one of my designer shoe bags (they're actually not on my site yet.) If I mail it tomorrow, you think it could get all the way from Miami to you in time???

    Praying for a successful, blessed event.

    Sophisticated Steps

  24. What a testimony to your sweet friend and God's will for her precious life. Brought tears to my eyes. Praying for her continued progress! xoxo

  25. Wow...this brought tears to my eyes. I read some of the updates on the Facebook page. What an amazing story of God working miracles. Praying for her and her family!! I had a friend whose husband died from a TBI...this is near and dear to my heart.

  26. Thanking God for the miracle in advance! I have a friend Zac who was in a terrible car crash. He tragically didn't make it out of the hospital. However, thanks to his giving heart he was able to send 6 others home by being an organ donor. Thanks for sharing Jessica's story! Praying!

  27. Wow. Thank you for sharing her story. I hope the concert is a great success. She's in my prayers!

  28. wow. sending HUGE prayers her way ... I hope that the fundraiser is an incredible success!

    xo! Lauren @ tickled.

  29. wow--this is such a tragedy--and what a great friend you are..lots of prayers, and hope that the concert is a big success:)

  30. Praying. Praying that the doctors are able to piece her back together. Praying God heals her. Praying for strength for her family/friend. Hope Saturday is a HUGE hit!!
    Love ya hon,

  31. hmmmmmm

    i love chocolates ...

  32. don't remember how I stumbled upon your blog...but this story hits way too close to home for me! my 21yo sister suffered a traumatic brain injury in '07. she is currently at home with my parents totally dependent on them for everything. she is doing therapy EVERY day, learning how to swallow again, etc. please let your friend's family know we are praying for her & them! miracles happen every day! my mom set up a blog to tell my sister's story:

    thank you for sharing this story!

  33. Oh my goodness Michaela I'm so sorry about your dear friend :( Thank you for sharing her story - we will definitely be praying for her and for her family. God is DEFINITELY faithful and HE will take care of her! :)

  34. thats so sad! but good that shes improving!

    i know josh fox! he comes and leads worship at my church every now and then :)

  35. Heart-breaking, but hopeful always! My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. It's a wonderful thing you're doing, Michaela!


    I just realized, there is seemingly ALWAYS a P.S. Huh!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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