Wednesday, March 2, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Across The Pond

I'm so excited to have the beautiful and witty Megan, from Across the Pond, here with me today sharing her Loves and Loves Me Not's.  
She's one of my closest blog friends and always keeps me laughing.  Read about how we skyped here. She just moved to Europe with her hubby, but will be back in California next fall. I can't wait to go on a blate with her (blogger+date=blate). Take it away, Meg!

Hi ! I am Megan from Across The Pond! I am a born and bread Southern California girl that traded the sun for gray skies, sandals for rain boots, and dresses for coats, to live a year abroad in England with my Husband. The following is what i'm loving, and what I'm not...

She Loves Me:

1. Fast food

I'm having a love affair with American fast has been going on for a long time.. it is wrong..but it feels so right. And I don’t know about you, but I look exactly like those models when I eat my Chanel fries.
2. Emily:

Who else out there has husbands that all of a sudden don't mind watching the Bachelor with them? It's okay. No shame. I had Frank...
uuugggh Frank...............(Bachelorette anyone? too soon still?)

free television shows and movies right there waiting for you to watch them..beckoning you to stop writing that blog post and or neuroscience paper (usually blog post..) and watch The Bachelor, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Shameless, Big Love, American Idol...

4. Spring clothes

I used to say I loved fall clothes, coats, sweaters, scarves. And then I moved to England. 
1st image: me via; flower images via
5. Puppies.

Who doesn't love puppies? I mean, really...
me and my heaven looks like this x 100 puppies
She Loves Me Not:

1. Public transportation

I am sorry. I just can't...

 2. Concerts

cue Gasp (Modern Family anyone? anyone?)

But seriously. Much to my husband's HUGE dismay, I really don't like going to concerts. 
I love music.
just from inside the comfort of my home.
Can we still be friends? 
me back in my partying days.....I am just kidding. that is NOT me. via
3. Walking.

Living in England with no car, we walk everywhere. I hate it. Who knew walking was so exhausting?
not I....
my husband and seemed fitting.
4. That Bartholomew and Eeyore don't talk back.

or so you think......

5. Being caught with my pants down.
look blissfully unaware..and yes..i've talked about this before..and no, i'm not over it.
Thank you, Megan! We share a common bond over being scared of public transportation. {Oh, and my mom doesn't like when I take the bus}. I also love puppies- you all know that!
Be sure to stop by Across the Pond and say hello (:

Love and xoxo,


  1. hahahaha. oh my gosh. this just made me love megan even more. especially the cue gasp from modern family.

    and no, it is not too soon to talk about frank. it's an ongoing conversation from the bachelorette days. and public transportation creeps me out!

    you two are the best!

  2. I love fast food also... but it doesn't love me :-D

  3. LOVE IT! Every bit of it! :) Especially the Modern Family reference! Potentially my favorite TV show! :)

    Happy Wednesday to you both! xo!

    Lauren @ tickled.

  4. Great post! I'm definitely a TV junkie too :)

  5. Who doesn't love a puppy??? So cute!

  6. I love Megan's blog! Agree so much with the fast food and Emily. Although my hubby seems to like Miss Chantel better than Emily, I mean really?? I hate public transportation too, its just so dirty.

  7. Yay for my two favorite bloggers in one spot! Totally agree with the fast food and the puppies!! Of course!!

  8. so cute!! i don't like concerts either - shame! but i love modern family :)

    great post!

  9. So fun! Megan, we are definitely doing a fast-food-high-fashion photo shoot someday:-) Fashion and french fries? Yes please! xoxo

  10. I don't like concerts either. I really don't! I wish we could all just bring Bear to her!

  11. How could I not know about the free tv shows?! I love blogs, I learn so much.

    My Husband is afraid of public transportation too. I love it. You don't have to think and you can people watch.

  12. Totally got that modern family reference! LOVE Cameron and Mitchell.

  13. I TOTALLY miss American fast food! I watch all the free tv (no commericals), and I cannot wait for warmer weather! I am also a cali girl living in Europe! I completely understand!

  14. I love you and Megan!! And wish I could join you on your blate hehe so cute! xo

  15. This is awesome! I love Meg...and FREE TV and stuff. Awesome. I will most def be checking into that!

  16. i love megan. and puppies. and websites that show tv shows for free.

  17. This was fun to read, even though I was already following Megan. I love her boots in that last picture, and her puppy looks like a prime cuddle buddy. :) Just the look of him makes me want a puppy so bad. Especially, a big furry one.

  18. You can't help but just like her, she is so pinch-your-cute-little-cheeks adorable! I have to say that I'm 100% in agreement with her on the concert thing...and the fast food...why does something so bad have to taste so good???

  19. awesome post! can't wait to go "across the pond"! happy wednesday pretty lady!

  20. Fun post! Her dog is SO cute!

  21. i really loved this post.. i'm rolling! i'm definitely going to go check out this blog! thanks!

  22. Love this post! I also want to know where to get Chanel fries! :o)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!


  23. ha! Love this series, Michaela! Megan, you're hilarious. Even with your pants down.


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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