Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Going to the Market

A few weeks ago my mom came and visited and we had the chance to go down to Pike Market.  I love the market.  It's so fresh and lively, full of color and lots of texture. Here are some pictures from our day:

They have so many flowers, it's unreal! It may or may not have taken me 20 minutes to choose the bouquet I wanted (:

Strawberries are my favorite! They were delish

This is the view toward the city. The bird flew in front of the camera right when I snapped it. Too funny!

The famous fish throwing stand:

I couldn't resist posting this adorable picture I took of my sweet mama.  Isn't she adorable? And how pretty are the flowers we picked up?

Another view of the market:
The talented Mandy took this at our recent photo shoot (:

Do you have any favorite places around your city? Do share!

Love and Pike Market,


  1. That looks the a perfect day! I love the flowers! How hard was it to choose! Very pretty!


  2. I have heard Pike Market is so cool! Those flowers are amazing, so gorgeous. That bird must have really wanted his picture taken;) Oh and your mom is too cute!

  3. There's a pretty big market 20 min away from my apartment that has everything you could imagine! My favourite place inside is this bagel shop that sells the BEST bagels I have ever had!

  4. I loved visiting Pike Market! That is the one thing I remember the most about the market is all of the beautiful flowers - everywhere!

  5. you look beautiful! it's a life goal of mine to go to the public market in seattle and your pictures just increased that dream :) awesome pictures..thanks for sharing and for making me jealous!

  6. Love the market! David and I went when we were there over Thanksgiving and had a blast. If I remember right, you don't like seafood?? So you probably didn't try the famous blackened salmon sandwich there, but it is GOOOOOOD! What about Beecher's mac and cheese?! Loveeee it!

  7. I just visited what seems to be DC's equivalent - The Eastern Market - this weekend. Blogged about it and everything!


  8. Oh I do love the Market!! I can't wait until summer, when it's warmer and I can take Bennett for the day! :)

  9. I SO want to go there! And 10 dollars for that bouquet! They charge 10 dollars for dried up carnations here! So jealous! You look beautiful!

  10. I love it there! Such a great feel. And I am drooling over those flowers. I love any pretty city where I can be out in the fresh air and near the water. Love that last photo!

  11. Oh I love Seattle! I wish I could visit more often, but from Virginia it is quite a trek!

  12. You and your mom are beautiful! And these pictures are fantastic! I've never been to Seattle, but I'm definitely wanting to make a trip out there in the near future!

  13. those flowers are gorgeous! Flowers just brighten up a room and it can also bring a smile to a frown face :) have a good day sweetie!

  14. Oh I am jealous! I wish we had a market like that! Looks like you had a great time with your momma :) All the pictures of the flowers are gorgeous!

  15. That market looks fab, love all the fresh flowers & fruit pics!

  16. Look at you, brave girl! Going out with no tights and bare legs... brrrr. ;)

    Pike Market looks amazing. My cousin is going to attend Puget Sound this fall, so I'm hoping I get to visit sometime! Yay... I've never been to Seattle. It looks like you and your mom had a nice time at the market, and those flowers are gorgeous. I would love to see them throw fish there... have you seem them in action?!

    As for favorite places around Denver.... I think I'll have to choose this area down by the REI in town, because it has an amazing view of the city skyline. Not to mention tons of parks surround the area, and the Cherry Creek and Platte River come together in this spot right at Confluence Park. There's always a lot of people, families, and dogs out in the water on nice days. It's a pretty great spot if you ask me! (:

  17. The Market is great, such fresh food & beautiful flowers. I can never seem to find time to make it here though (& I only live a few miles away!!).

  18. I die over this... so beautiful!

  19. Those are really beautiful pictures!!! I love the fresh fruit and vegetables!!
    xo C.

  20. The market looks wonderful. Your pictures are beautiful, I love all of the tulips. It looks like you had an incredible day, and how sweet is your mom.

  21. I love that place! You are so right-it's a fabulous place to take pictures. So many colors and textures! Beautiful! xoxo

  22. What beautiful photos you captured! I live in Oregon, so my favorite place around here (besides home) would be the coast! I've got to get up there to see more of Seattle one of these days. I'm embarrassed to say that I've lived in OR all my life and have NEVER been to Pike Market.

  23. Beautiful pictures! This looks like so much fun. And all the fruits and veggies look yummy!

  24. those flowers are gorgeous!! i love going to markets - this one looks amazing :)

  25. Gorgeous pictures!! I love the flowers, especially the tulips! So so amazing.

  26. I love, love farmer's markets. you seriously can't beat the fresh-ness...flowers, produce, everything. love!

  27. Your mama looks 25!!
    We went to Seattle in 2001 and loved it! The flowers are so overwhelming and I love that they come in the brown paper wrapping. There's just something special about it. Not to mention the price! You'd pay 3x as much for that many flowers in an arrangement.

  28. We are going to visit Seattle in a month or so & I cant wait to see the city, im so so excited! :)

  29. I love a great market! Some of my favorite places to visit when in a new city. Great photos.

  30. Your mom looks so young! Great pic of you in the street!

  31. what a fabulous day you had :) i love the pic of you and farmers market = amazing! xo

  32. Your mom is so pretty! Love all of the beautiful flowers and your pictures! Sounds like a great day! :)

  33. You are a babe, babe :)

    And you picked a fabulous bouquet gorgeous!!

    AND your mom is a babe too. Go figure! xo

  34. All of those photos are beautiful! And as a Texas girl, I am loving your boots!

  35. Those flowers are beautiful! Glad you had a great time with your mama :)

  36. love those pics of you and your mama! and i die for those tulips - my absolute fav!

  37. Great pictures! I love love love all of the tulips! :)


  38. Looks like you all had a blast! Love the shot with the strawberries. :)

  39. The tulips are gorgeous! And so are you! :)

  40. Gorgeous bouquet and I am *crying* over the gorgeousness of those bunches and bunches of tulips! They just give such a punch of color! Thanks for a little bit more color to my day! (c;

  41. you are so adorably precious missy! I love this view of Seattle you gave us. I often think of it as sad, lonely, cold and rainy. But it doesn't seem that way at all in your pictures. ha ha. I don't know. I'm a California girl. living in Seattle seems like quite a grand stretch.


  42. I LOVE Pike Market...you're right, the flowers are so SO beautiful! I love the ones you picked and your mama is so cute!! Looks like you two had a great day!

  43. I would love to go there for the ambiance AND photo ops! What a beautiful, lively spot! Love that picture of you at the end. Too cute.

    Sorry I've been a little MIA....business is keeping crazy busy!!! :)
    Sophisticated Steps

  44. so jealous of all those gorgeous flowers at your fingertips!

  45. wow! amazing picts, and i love the flowers~ you girls are stinkin cute!

  46. Awesome photos! Your mom is super adorable, and all the flowers are gorgeous!! Looks like you had a real spring day finally. :) Xo, Katie

  47. Those are some of the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen!!!

  48. I would love to have a flower market like that!! Ours is really good for produce, but no flowers, sadly. Jealous!! I'm glad you had Natasha guest blog or I wouldn't have found your lovely site. I 'm your newest follower.

  49. Those are such pretty flowers! I need to find a market like that around here and I can just buy my wedding flowers there :) ha


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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