Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm Back, Y'all!

Seriously, if I was in Louisiana for as much as one more day, I'd speak fluent southern drawl.  I never thought it'd be so easy to pick up saying y'all and all the other little short cut words.  For example: gettin', potata's, yellin', geet {did you eat?}, git-ova-her {get over here!}

My trip to visit Megan {Mackey Madness} was nothing short of amazing. An epic blogger meet up, really.  We just get each other, and I'm beyond blessed to have her in my life.  There's something so amazing about finding a friend out there who has the same values, beliefs, and passions as you. Oh- and helps that she's darlin' and hilarious, too (: I'm so happy we finally made our friendship a real life one!

We took so many pictures, so I'm going to weed through them by doing a day-by-day recap.  Here's day one of our trip.

Louisiana Day 1: Shreveport
They picked me up from the airport and had a sign for me! Then they took me to a cupcake shop and straight to Sonic for a cherry lime-aid.

Next we went to dinner at Cheddars and I had my first ever Sweet Tea.  It sure was sweet...let me tell ya! I've decided it wasn't bad, but I wouldn't order it again. Don't hate me (:

I also experienced this butter and honey croissant.  And then I gained 10lbs.
Best decision ever. Worth every pound!

The next morning Meg's hubby made us cinnamon rolls and we played with the puppies. Cashmere, Diesel, and Radar were just what I needed as a pick me up from loosing Shasta.  I want another doggie now! {Hear that dad?!}

After we had a lazy morning in, we took a drive out to down town Shreveport and shopped around at this cute place called the Boardwalk.  If you follow us on twitter, you know we indulged in chocolate covered pretzels and ice cream, one right after another!

Next, Meg took me to the chapel she and Justin were married in! So fun to see. I wish I had pictures to show you, but right after we took pictures of the chapel, we drove out to the Arkansas state line {20 minutes away} to take a picture....

And then we drove off back into town but had a little hiccup... here's what happened:

Camera= goner, phone=perfect condition thanks to her otterbox case:

So Megan's camera is no more :( It also had the picture of me tasting a piece of friend catfish, which if you know me, is unheard of, considering I haven't eaten {nor liked} seafood my whole life!  #sobrave
I'm sad to report that I didn't like it...but I checked it off my bucket list.

I also learned that you get WAY more food for your money in Louisiana than in California! All this was $7.69. Pure shock.

Needless to say, I love the South and Megan and I just had the best time. I can't wait to show you more pictures! In addition to recapping our trip, I've also captured some amazing southern homes I'll be sharing soon.  I have all topics covered!
Also, since I've never been to the South, I'll be sharing some things I've learned...
Day 1 Lesson Learned: You can fry absolutely anything.

Happy Monday!
What did Y'all do this weekend? (;

PS. Winner of the NS Pottery Giveaway is Andi from The Hollie Rogue!
Hooray! Get in touch with me to claim your prize (:


  1. This all looks like so much fun! - Minus Meg's camera dying of course :(

    Can't wait to see all of your photos from the rest of the trip!


  2. Don't y'all look just darlin' togetha!!! LOL It doesn't take long to pick up the accent once you're in the South!!! Oh, and you'd get used to the Sweet Tea in no time. Can't wait to hear more about the trip. Sorry about Megan's camera :(

  3. ahh this is all so awesome!

    first I have to say that I loved getting a little preview of the Louisiana happenings from twitter. The pretzels, limeades, etc looked sooo yummy!

    Hmm well Megan my love, I drove off with coffee on the roof of my car the other day. Thanks for making me feel better about that. Im so sorry about your camera!

    Michaela you are SO BRAVE! for trying that catfish... I thought it tasted like a softer chicken tender lol

    can't wait for tomorrow!


  4. This experience is EPIC! I am SO thrilled that y'all had SUCH a wonderful time! Just reading your updates on twitter and now seeing pictures and hearing your thoughts makes me smile from ear to ear! You two are SO cute together! I have to say too, y'all look SO cute! I love your outfits. Goodness! What a fun trip!

    I'm so sorry about the camera casualty. Crazy Memory Made: 1, Camera: 0


    Can't wait for more!


  5. soooo awesome Michaela! I so wish I could have joined you girls or at least done my own blogger meet up ;) so sorry about that camera for Meg. needless to say you'll just have to take another trip together so she can take more pics with her NEW camera! ha!

  6. Visiting from Mackey Madness! What a funny video :) I'm glad you had a great time!

  7. HaHa! I love this post! So sad you don't like sweet tea...after all, it is the greatest :)

  8. How fun!!! You are beyond gorgeous my friend. You look like Denise Richards...has anyone ever told you that...in a GOOD way that is :) Shes gorgeous!

  9. Looks like you had so much fun! Bummer to hear about Megan's camera.

  10. ummm THAT video is crackin me up!!! please come back!!! now :)
    i uhhhh made a craft, you have GOT to see it!! :)

  11. Fantastic trip: The south/Megan/Food...what more could you ask for?:-) xoxo

  12. Poor Megan's camera! That video is too cute. I'm glad you had a good visit! I can't believe you tried catfish! Brave girl! Did you guys go to the Cracker Barrel for dinner? For some reason the food looks like it's from there!

  13. just added you from Mackey Madness! you two look like you had so much fun!

  14. Looks like you two had a lot of fun! Loved seeing the pictures! :)

  15. I've been waiting to hear about your meetup... and I can't wait to see more pictures. (: The video of Megan running after her phone and camera is entertaining. She runs fast! Glad you two had a fun time.

  16. Lovely pics! All your foodie ones look delicious!

  17. I am so in love with this post! And you. Actually, ya'll!!! Both of you are too stinkin cute. And if you can't tell I am from Texas, then I need to step it up a notch. ha! Geet cracked me up....and the sign was a simple, yet fabulous gesture. First ever sweet tea had me confused....until I realized you NEVER drank a sweet iced tea before. Holy mother of...moving on. Sorry you didn't like it. Pretty sure it is one of my staples. Mmmm....butter and honey croissant...now I'm hoon.gree!!!! {did ya catch the southern drawl? ha} Sweet pups...and oh my!!! The camera...oh no....I love how you said, "Save the memory card" right before you stopped rolling....good friend!!!! Cute cute post...

  18. Too cute! And yes, frying everything is a definite MUST in Louisiana! Glad you had fun here and can't wait to see more pics! :)

    XOXO, Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights

  19. After reading Megan's blog, I knew I had to come follow you! I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip. I've never been to Louisiana before but have always wanted to go :) Can't wait to see more pictures!!

  20. Aren't those honey croissants amazing!?!? And I'm with you- I'm a southern girl but I just don't like sweet tea! :)

  21. SO happy you had such an amazing time, Michaela!! You two are just so sweet hehe and your poor camera!! At least the phone survived :) xoxo

  22. love it!! you girls are so dang cute. and yay for some quality pup time :)

  23. Next stop: NORTH CAROLINA! ;) It looks like you had a great first day and I can't wait to see more! I don't like sweet tea either!

  24. Adorable dogs. And yes, I prefer my tea unsweetened too so that would have been an experience I'm sure! I haven't been to Louisiana but went to TX and couldn't believe the size of the portions, so I hear ya there! Glad you had a good and SAFE trip!

  25. Yaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!! Love this!!!!!! My favorite part:: ALL THIS FOOD FOR ONLY $7.69!!! Hahha, what can we say?? Fried, oily, greasy food comes cheap, cheap! Haha!! Can't wait for your next visit... where we will have a big, huge, yummy CRAWFISH boil!!! I know you're excited! ;)

  26. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip! It makes me want to go to Louisiana really badly!

  27. You and the South just BELONG together!!!!! Hahahaha. I can't wait until you're Mrs. Michaela Matthews. Then life will be perfect. ; )

    Miss you SO SO much already! I might have teared up when I started reading this. Might have. : )

  28. Haha ^^^^^^^^ I agree with Megan! Once you go South you don't go back! Just kidding...kinda. I'm so glad you enjoyed Cheddars! I pray you had the spinach dip!?!?!? If not, you will have to come back down and try it. So so so good. Can't wait for your other posts! :)

  29. Don't worry, I lived in North Caroline for 3 years and STILL don't like sweet tea - it makes me feel like my teeth are going to fall out!

  30. ah! looks SO fun! super bummer about her camera though :( oh my gosh mr's best friend has an otterbox case or whatever they're called and we always make fun of him..maybe we shouldn't do that anymore haha that is crazy!!

  31. I'm a new follower from finding you on Mackey madness! Sounds like such a fun trip- y'all are so cute!

  32. Awww I'm SO glad y'all had such a fun time :)

  33. So darn cute! I remember I started talking like Michelle in SF. And you are cracking me up with the food prices! Glad you had a wonderful trip, darlin'!

  34. ive always wanted to go to louisiana--how fun!!!

  35. New follower! I love your blog! Looks like you had an awesome trip! I love cheddar's too!!!

  36. Aw fun! Looks like you had a fabulous girly trip. my word, I could use one of those. Oh well... work calls. Anyway, glad you had fun! :)

  37. Haha! Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Blogging is such a great way to meet friends!

  38. Oh boy! It seems like you got a proper introduction to the South lol!! Now you need to come over to Georgia :) Each Southern state has it's own unique attributes! Glad y'all had such a wonderful meet-up! xoxo

  39. Aw, looks like you had a great time!! I can't believe you'd never tried sweet tea!!!! I've pretty much lived on it since I was 8 or 10. But I guess that's what happens when you grow up in the South. Being able to order sweet tea and getting more food for less money are two things I miss about living in the South. We've been living in Hawaii for a little over a year (my husband is in the Army), and I don't think I'll ever get used to how expensive eating out is!

  40. I love it- I live in the South so I totally get this post. If you have never had deep fried oreo's you don't know what your missing!!! Really looking forward to seeing Day 2 :)

  41. oh my goodness - this post makes my heart so happy! ya'll are both beyond gorgeous and so much fun.

    haha - i think sweet tea is an acquired taste

    cant wait to see the rest of the pics..im guessing from your camera!~ :)

  42. What a great roadtrip!! How funny if we have passed Arkansas the same day as my roadtrip?! Look at that yummy southern food!! mmmm


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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