Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day in Photos

Happy Tuesday, friends! After a wonderful weekend and much needed break on Monday, I'm back with some photos from our Christmas Day!

  My brother and me:

 Our new Christmas PJ's...our tradition!
 Almost cried when I opened this one...
 We may not have received a golden retriever for Christmas, but for now this calendar will do (:
 Stocking time! {Mine was hand-sewn by my grandma when I was a baby!}
 Pumpkin bread and egg casserole for breakfast...yum!!

 We went to dinner at my grandparent's house.  My aunt always brings party poppers, and this year we found these hilarious hats in the poppers! Here's my crazy family in our yearly family Christmas Day photo:

Then we came back to our home for dessert and games.
This Yuletide log was a hit!
 Ginger cookies with cool whip:

That was our day! How was yours?! Back tomorrow with another installment of She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not (:



  1. it looks like you had a great time with your family and got some sweet gifts!

  2. Looks like a great Christmas! Your pictures are beautiful as always! :)

  3. you had such a great christmas :)

    and i get new christmas pajamas too every year! it's such a fun tradition.

  4. Love the family photos! Hope you enjoyed your Christmas!

  5. You have a lovely family! Glad you had a great Christmas!

  6. I just found your blog and I must say I am smitten! You have great taste. Excited to follow along! :)



  7. aww Michaella, your family is just as cute as you!

    all the little sentimental things and family traditions make this holiday so special huh? thanks for sharing


  8. such sweet pictures! Your family looks so fun!

  9. Thanks for sharing all your cute pictures! My family always has poppers with the crazy hats too :)

  10. What a fantastic Christmas, such a cute fam!! Happy holidays~

  11. What a fun family you have! Looks like you had a Merry Christmas :)

  12. Pretty photos! I love that fun one of the family with the hats. Such a cute tradition!

  13. Looks like it was a warm and cozy Christmas with your family. So much fun! Hugs.

  14. love the 2nd to last picture...really captures the warmth and coziness of a home filled with joy at this time of year!

  15. just looking at the cover of that book is making me want to cry!

  16. What a beautiful post, Michaela. :) Love your Christmas pajamas!

  17. Love your pictures! It looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas :) I'm having a giveaway this week so make sure you stop by and check it out. Definitely something fun and girly :)

  18. So cute! I love that you still have the stocking that your grandmother hand sewn!

  19. It looks like a wonderful Christmas filled with tradition! I had to comment b/c the puppy on the cover of the book looks just like our little pup, Emma, that we got at Thansgiving! We love, love, love goldens!

  20. Your place looks so adoreable and Christmasy! I love your flocked tree. I have always wanted one but I am so afraid it will be a huge mess! That Yule log is awesome too! Not surprised it was a hit!

  21. Love your Christmas photos! You had such a great time with such a great big family!

  22. your pictures look amazing. You must know how to use your camera...I am still learning. ha.

  23. Awww, I love the puppy calendar! That's so perfect!!

  24. Looks like you had a great Christmas with the fam! Love that shot of you and your bro in pj's : ) Oh and just got your card yesterday- love it!! Merry Christmas to the Warners! : )

  25. I got a little choked up when I saw that book. I'm sure your sweet baby was looking down on your family this Christmas. Glad you had a wonderful holiday!

  26. It looks like such a wonderful day! How sweet is that book?

  27. What a perfect holiday :) Your photos are gorgeous, Michaela! xo

  28. I believe i have the same candle as in last picture! I got mine at TJMXXX its so cute when its lit!



Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at hello@michaelanoelledesigns.com. I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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