Wednesday, December 7, 2011

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Tales of Me and the Husband

Wednesday is here again!! This week my friend Bridget from Tales of Me and the Husband is here sharing here loves and love-me-nots.

I'm thrilled to have her here, as she is beautiful, laugh-out-loud-funny, and has the sweetest new baby boy {plus 4 more kids, too!} If you don't know Bridget yet, you need to hurry on over there right after reading this post! You'll be smitten from the beginning (:
Take it away, girl!

hi guys.  that's me.
please allow me to share with you some of my trusty faves, and then, just the opposite.
She Loves Me:

jeans.  i love me some jeans.  particularly j.brand.  they hug the junk in the trunk in just the right way.  thank you j.brand!  it's about time i added another pair to my repertoire.

travel.  travel.  travel.  i love traveling.  i've taken some great trips in my life and hope to take a gajillion more.  the newest hunt has put a bit of a damper on that.  he's a needy one (but a real cutie), that parker.   oh, and you'll want to check out our italy trip.  it was the bomb.  and if you think i'm bragging with that, i was.  but it's ok because it'll be about ten years till i take a trip like that again.  now you went from being all, "she's a bragger" to feeling badly for me, right?

my vitamix blender.  it costs an arm and a leg and you'll probably love it so much that you should name it and give it a stocking on the mantle, but goodness will it spit out some freaking delicious concotions.  one of our trusty go-to smoothies is this one.

breakfast sandwiches.  need i say more?  my particular fave: egg, bacon, cheese on a thomas' english muffin.  the ones with the NOOKS AND CRANNIES.

She Loves Me Not:
i seriously hate the first so much that i can't even bear to talk about it.  so, i'll just leave you with the picture.

blowdrying my hair.  this is a tricky one because i quite like the final product... you know, dry, styled hair.  but i hate the process.  anyone else with me?

waking up.  meh.  i'm over it.  and these days, it often happens at ungodly hours as i have a wee one.  but goodness, i love him so, so i forgive him.  

filling up with gas.  this should be solely my husband's job.  dammit steve!  (i'm a feminist except when it doesn't suit me... like here).

and that is all!  thanks for having me michaela!

Thanks, B! Just got my first pair of J Brand jeans the other week at Anthro and I heart them times a million already! Totally on the same page about blow-drying my hair, too. By the time this mane is dry, I need a nap (;

Alright friends, hop over to Tales of Me and the Husband for more fun!

Happy Wednesday! What are you loving?
PS. Don't forget to link your Christmas Trees up with Megan from Honey We're Home  tomorrow, as the 4th day in our Christmas Cheer Holiday Link Party! I'm going to be a tad bit late to the party, as I'm flying home to CA tonight and will be decorating tomorrow morning, but better late than never(:


  1. I hate filling my car up with gas too..totally agree that it's a husband job! ;)

  2. So jealous that you have a vitamix!!! I want one SO bad. Haha I blogged about it too.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  3. i'm with ya on the filling-up thing. i sold my car when i moved to europe but back when i had one, i'd drive it down to the laaaast drop of gas before filling up. i think i thought if i was lucky, little elves (read: my dad) notice it was low and fill it up while i was sleeping. that rarely happened.

  4. Oohhh I hate drying my hair too! It just takes forever :/

  5. I agree. blowdrying my hair is one of my least favorite things ever. I usually let it airdry because it's so thick it takes so bloomin' long! :)

  6. I gotta agree 100% with Bridget! She speaks the truth. And thanks for reminder about J Brand...I need to re-stock my denim collection now that Baby Bean is outta my stomach:-) xoxo

  7. She's totally right...pumping gas is a man's job! I basically make my husband do it every time!!

  8. I absolutely hate filling up with gas. Every time I have to... it is either cold, rainy, snowy, or pitch black at night. Boo :(


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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