Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Got the Joy

I love my morning routine- I get up, make tea and waffles, read a few verses in the Bible and pray, turn on pandora and listen to some good music while getting ready for the day. Tuesday mornings I don't have class, so yesterday during my leisurely morning, I sat at my desk thinking about the things I am thankful for this week.  I needed to list them out, because if I can be honest with you, I've been a tad bit down. Not in a major way, just feeling a little emotional...ha! If you've been here for a while, you'll remember I'm taking part in the 1000 Gifts Challenge and trying to come up with 1000 things I'm thankful for or that make me smile. There's no time limit on the challenge- you just write them down in a journal as they come to you. It's amazing how many little joys pour out on the page when I get on a roll.  


...Seattle sun, warm and golden
...New shower gel
...Holding hands with my boy
...Waking up smiling
...Leopard print
...Home videos
...Learning something new
...Monograms- Specifically, my "M" mug
...Grace, so vastly undeserved and freely given
....Plants; namely, my succulent. Blooming!
...Pillows. Lots of 'em.
...White puppy ears
...Candles that fill the room with warmth
...Being content with where I am. Right. Now.

Writing out and reading over these tiny joys soothes my soul. Selfishness and unthankfulness is the quickest way to a bitter heart, but thankfulness is the root to blissful joy in living fully...right where you are.
What gifts are you thankful for this Wednesday?

PS. For those wondering, She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not will be back next week like normal :)


  1. love that notebook :)
    today i'm thankful for the bit of sunshine we have, a warm bed, and my glasses for when my eyes don't like contacts

  2. Such a sweet post Michaela...hope that the dark cloud exits soon...loving all the things you're thankful for! I, too, am thankful for the sunny weather!

  3. Love this. Saying a prayer today that the Lord would encourage your sweet heart!!

  4. Love this Michaela! I have been wanting to read that Anne Voskamp Book 1000 Gifts for awhile now, and I think it's so awesome to focus on all the blessings in our life! Hope you're having a good week! xoxo

  5. I love this Michaela. I wrote a post a few weeks ago listing some things I am thankful for because I definitely needed a perspective change... it's amazing how much that can help... and how much it can help others!

  6. cheer up buttercup, michigan is next weeekkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I know how you feel. I've been down a little bit lately and I think it's because the end of the school year is near and there is so. much. to. do! Good luck!

  8. Good for you Michaela! I still have a couple of chapters to finish (yes, I did start it when you did!) I have my journal, but have yet to start writing in it. No good excuses, only that, excuses. We talked about a bitter heart today in our Bible Study. I think it is time for me to break out that journal, book finished or not! Thanks for the reminder.

  9. white puppy ears..YES. and puppy breath.

  10. So great! It is incredibly important to just sit down sometimes and remember all the wonderful things you have to be thankful for. Life can get so overwhelming so one must always breathe. I think I will try this routine tomorrow morning :)

  11. You have such a wonderful, sunny outlook on things Michaela... your blog is always a breath of fresh air. :)

  12. Definitely so nice to sit down and think about all of the little things that give us joy. We are so blessed!!

  13. That is such a lovely idea, I may have a go myself. Definitely a nice way to make you see how wonderful like can be even when you're feeling blue.
    Also is 'She loves me She loves me not' meant to be a weekly thing?

  14. I need some succulents. Now. Like.... Now.

  15. this morning, after reading your post...i started adding to my list of 1000 gifts too :) thanks for that little reminder that it always makes me feel grateful and better!

  16. Lovely post and lovely pictures!
    Great blog all in all :)
    New follower!
    xx Nora

  17. Ooh I love those Anthro mugs :) Today I am thankful for warm tea, pretty flats, kitty purrs and knowing that forgiveness is always one question away. Thankyou for a lovely post Michaela :) xo

  18. I love this post Michaela! It's so nice to just stop and be thankful in the midst of our busy lives...thanks for the encouraging post.

    I had a random question - where is that candle from in the first picture? It is so cute!

  19. What a sweet post, Michaela! Today I'm thankful for a free weekend to just relax and hang out with my lovely husband!:) Hope you have a great weekend too, my dear!:)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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