Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday's Letters: Photoshop Class & Peanut Butter Cups

1. Photoshop drawing of a residential home // 2. Photoshop drawing of a commercial boutique.
Dear Friday, you're here again and this time, it feels like you came so quickly! Today marks my last college class at Seattle Pacific University. {I'm a junior, but next year will be studying at FIDM in Los Angeles to finish my degree in design}.  It's been a long journey, filled with ups and downs, but I'm so grateful for every last moment and memory I've made here.  Dear June, SERIOUSLY?! I thought it was January like...yesterday. Time is flying! I need to take more pictures and probably journal more in order to savor these precious years.  Dear Photoshop Class, you're my fave.  Each class we are given a blank perspective drawing and we get free reign of how to design the space.  These two above designs aren't quite done, but I'm liking what I have so far.  Dear Peanut Butter Cups sitting in the jar in our entry, I look forward to you every time I walk out the door.  You're like a reward for getting out the door on time...or sometimes not-so-on-time. Either way, I love you.  Dear Finals, I'm not too excited for you, but.... Dear Summer, I am SO thrilled for you! Dear Mama, thank you for taking me shopping last weekend... my new hot pink Anthropologie dress says she really likes her new home in my closet :) 

Dear Sweet Readers, next week I'm packing up and moving back home to California. Needless to say I'll be a bit tied up, but dontcha worry- a few of my very favorite and talented blog friends will be here keeping you company and sharing a bit about their style. Show them some love! And follow me on Instagram {@michaelanoelle} for what I'm guessing will be some pretty awesome ridiculous photos of me trying to pack my life into 2 cars. Let the games begin!

I'm linking up for Friday's Letters with my girl Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds

Play along!

Enjoy your weekend. Make it wonderful :)
PS. Last call for sponsors/advertisers on the blog in June! Email me to claim your spot!


  1. Good luck with finals and packing! I'll be praying for you! xoxo

  2. Good luck with finals! Love this series - so fun!

  3. Ahhh, I want to see the new hot pink dress!! Good luck with your finals! So proud of you!!

  4. you're going to crush all your finals :) happy almost done with JR year, lovey! XO

  5. good luck with all your finals and the move! :)

  6. You have so much great stuff going on! (Minus the exams...but it does mean you're almost done. Ha!) I love what Jill said above. You're totally going to crush those finals.

    And...I'm pretty sure the Photoshop class would be my fave, too. What's not to love?

    I think I need to add some peanut butter cups by my front door. (Might help the kids get out the door "on time", too!) Shoot. I'd do it for sushi rolls, pepperoni pizza, kettle corn...I'm highly motivated by food. Lol.

    Have a great wknd! (Show us that dress!_ :)

  7. I've totally missed keeping up with everything, but good luck with the move! Sounds like lots of exciting things are happening! Good luck on your finals!


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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