Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just My Style: Hi Sugarplum!

Today my sweet friend Cassie of Hi Sugarplum is sharing a bit about her style- and let me tell ya- she is full of it! She's sweet and sassy, and has the best eye for mixing prints, patterns and colors.  So here's Cassie as the third installment of Just My Style...

Hello darling readers of Michaela Noelle, I'm Cassie from Hi Sugarplum! How do I know you're darling? Because you hang out over here with the sweetest of bloggers, Miss Michaela. So I guess by default, I'm darling today, too! I'm thrilled to be guesting, and I'll do my best not to tarnish her blog with inappropriate humor and immature remarks. 

When Michaela asked what defines my style, I went back through my {Outfit Inspiration} posts to see if there was a common theme. Turns out, my favorite outfits are all bright colors, and usually contain one of the following elements...

* Mixing Bright or Unexpected Colors
Like this pink and orange. And if I can mix patterns too, I'm even happier.

 * Ruffles and High-Collars
I've never met a blouse with a tall, ruffly neck I didn't love. Not to mention they practically give me permission to wear my hair up.

* Statement Necklaces and Shoes
This outfit would a basic sundress and cardi if not for the oversized necklace and fun shoes.

I enjoy taking chances in fashion, after all, it's just an outfit you can take off at the end of the day! Do you incorporate any of these in your style? Thanks for having me, Michaela, I hope the move is going well! And congrats to me for behaving an entire post!

Told ya you would love her :)  How great are these outfits with all that color?! 
Do you integrate color, ruffles or accessories into your wardrobe?



  1. Cutest thing ever. I have a major crush on that first outfit!

  2. Great seeing Cassie over here. You are both adorable!!!

  3. LOVE seeing Cassie in the fashion role! She looks fab, as always! Love her outfit choices!

  4. Love all these looks! i love incorporating color and statement pieces into my outfits!

    love from San Francisco,

  5. Oh I'm full of it alright...but not sure it's style! ;) Thanks for having me, M!! oxoxooxxxoo

  6. She's so adorable! Love all the bright colors!

  7. I love Cassie! She is such a sweeatheart and Im drooling over her pink & orange outfit. tres chic

  8. Love Cassie's style! I love bold jewelry and fun shoes! - Mainly because they always fit. ;)

  9. I'm in love with the blue one! It suits you very well :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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