Wednesday, June 20, 2012

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Link Up #4

This is the 4th installment of my She Loves Me Link Party! So if you'd like to play along, please link up your post below. I'll be sure to read and comment on each one :)
So, here we go...what I'm lovin' and what I'm not diggin' this week!

She Loves Me:
1. Luscious peonies sitting pretty on my desk.

2. Huge mirrors- especially gold ones! Anyone else on a gold kick lately?!
3. This bedroom. For 3 reasons: the mirrored dresser, dainty chandelier, and that brilliant framed fabric for the perfect pop of color and pattern.
4. Ikat Artwork. I found this print in one of my favorite etsy shops the other day. IN. LOVE. May be using this in a client's room soon...stay tuned!
5. These favorite finds for the week. Loving the color blocked TOMS flats, new high-low dress trend, and these simple metallic sandals.
1 // 2 // 3

6. My Daddy's Birthday is today! I love you, Dad! Enjoy your day :)
{dad and I playing in the pool, 1991}
She Loves Me Not:
1. Getting rear-ended. The other day I was waiting to make a right turn on a red, and the car behind me slammed right into me and my precious little car. Thankfully, my mom and I are okay {just with minor back/neck pain} and the car is 100% fine! Not a scratch on it-- a true miracle!

2. Waiting. Just waiting for anything, really. I really like having a handle on my life and knowing what's next, so periods of waiting are hard- but good, because I'm learning to trust in God's timing. I'm currently waiting for a fabric sample to get to my house and I'm being very impatient! 

3. 106 degree weather. Last weekend I was in the Sacramento area for a friend's graduation. You know you've been in Seattle for too long when you literally can't handle California heat and wish to be back in the rain. Never thought I'd say that! We treated ourselves to popsicles, but even they were melting rapidly!

Now it's YOUR turn! Link up or tell me what caught your eye this week in the comments!
Happy Wednesday!


  1. Ooooo, unfortunately, I won't be linking up, but I have a huge gold mirror in my bedroom. I found it secondhand in perfect condition {originally from Ikea}. I love it so much :) Great post.

    Silver from A Silver Snapshot

  2. Hello Michaela,

    How fun!

    I will send some friends over to your link up party.

    I also have a link up party on my FB page every Thursday. "Share Your Blog Thursday". I hope that
    you have time to join in.

    Enjoy your day!

  3. ps love the photo of you and your Dad in the pool!

  4. LOVE Peonies!!! They remind me of my Grandma!!

    Glad you are okay after the accident!!

    Have a great day!

  5. I'm really loving your living room + bedroom picks! Mirrored dressers are so cute and I just love the whole look of that living room! I need to pay better attention, so I can play along next time!:)

  6. Love your loves...especially the ikat print! Also so glad you and your mom are ok after being read-ended! It's the worst!

  7. Bad day to be in Sacramento hahah it was SO HOT! i was working outside that day. Crazy!

  8. Simply love Lona de Anna prints! I have one in my office. And all time fave.

  9. I love huge mirrors. We have two in our house that our builder used and I want to take them with us when we move!!

  10. Rear-ended and no damage to the car? You were being watched down upon! and.. that pink nail polish in the last pic is beautiful!

    Happy ALMOST Thursday!

  11. Right now I am LOVING gold frames and plan on having them at my wedding next year ! x


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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