Monday, August 13, 2012

Favorite Rooms of the Week: Pink Pleasure

one // two // three // four // five //

Yes, they all have a touch of pink! Not sure why, but I've been on a serious pink kick recently. The fifth picture is actually a reading nook in Reese Witherspoon's home! I'd take that room any day; the mixing of patterns is to die for.  What about you?  What color has been catching your eye and speaking to you??

In other news, I recently bought Photoshop CS6 and have playing around with it ever since. {Is it normal for your eyes to burn from staring at the computer for so long?! I kid :)}  This is my first collage using it and I'm so excited to keep making more! I think it will be a great tool not only for prettying up the blog, but also for creating e-designs and of course, editing pictures.  If you have any fun photoshop tips, I'd love to hear!

Hope you're enjoying your Monday!


  1. I love your new blog banner, girl! SO sweet. I love the Caitlin Wilson fabric in the fourth photo. Yummy.

  2. I love Photoshop and all of the Adobe Creative Suites! I have the whole package which makes it very easy to do graphic design (hence how I did my header). Use Google, a lot! There are a ton a great step by step tutorials for Photoshop and I've found them to be really helpful. I would also recommend if you can find the stand-alone version of Abobe Illustrator (student discount) to get it too, it works a lot better with online/web design. Have fun!
    XOXO Elie

  3. I'm always a fan of pink! My husband...not so much...but I've managed to drop a couple touches of pink here and there in the house. I love Reese Witherspoon's chair...wonderful fabric.

  4. I love the big pink heart behind the desk in photo #3. How could you not be happy when you see that :)

  5. love number 3! the mint and white chair is so cute. looks like the perfect little office!

  6. I'm a photoshop nerd, there are great tutorials at Pugly Pixel and Nicole's Classes, great resources ;)

  7. Love the new header! Very pretty :) And I'm also really loving photo #1! Very nice.

    Blues have me captivated as of late. I've never been a fan of blue, but lately I'm loving any and everything blue! :)

  8. I always love anything pink, of course!! And I still just love your new header!!

  9. All the rooms look so pretty, I especially like the reading nook!
    The colour I've been crushing on lately is everything green.. from sea foam to very dark rich greens. Never liked them before.. now all I see is green everywhere..

  10. The new blog look is perfect. And I'm impressed with your photoshop handiwork!

  11. Ohmygosh! I'm so jealous!
    I desperately need to get photoshop cs6 now, I'm getting it, I'm doing it. The collage is super cute! Also, I totally get like that, I usually love pink when I'm feeling really girly. And I totally agree with the mixing the patterns! I don't know how to do it I think, but that room is so adorable.
    Ahhh! I'm so jealous!

    -Jordan :)

  12. Love all the pink! And I especially love the reading nook in Reese Witherspoon's home but that's partially because I love Reese. I would have to say aqua is my go to color. My favorite clothes are my aqua ones and I have a lot of them LOL My kitchenaid mixer is aqua. My cell phone case and even my bridesmaids dresses and wedding colors include a light aqua...needless to say I love it. And pink..that's my other wedding color :)

  13. Can number 3 be anymore perfect? Thanks for sharing :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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