Friday, March 8, 2013

Design Blogger's Conference

The Design Blogger's Conference was so great, I wanted to share a bit about it here today!

I attended the conference with the Lulu & Georgia team, pictured above. Sara is the owner (middle) and Alexa (left) is another "me". We both do the social media, press, graphics for the site, photo shoot styling, product development and descriptions. We had the best time kickin' it at the conference together.  Alexa is expecting her second sweet!!! She also has an adorable blog called The Short and Sweet of it. Check it out :) 

On Sunday we had the pleasure of attending the Lamp's Plus dinner where they fed us well, let me tell you. See that creme brulee down there?? It was divine. I could have eaten 3.  Monday was the first official day of the conference. I loved listening to Windsor Smith speak. She was my favorite speaker of the first day, as I've always loved her style, design aesthetic and personality. 

Monday night we hosted a dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in town, Cecconi's, to show our appreciation of some of our favorite bloggers.  These girls have truly supported the growth and success of Lulu & Georgia over the last few months, so the least we could do to say thank you was to take them out for some delicious eats {and some tasty cocktails, too!} 

Tuesday was the second day at the conference, and you already know per my post yesterday that we had the honor of listening to Barbara Barry speak.  She rocked my world and inspired me more than ever.  I even had my book signed by her and a quick picture taken with her! I'm a happy girl :)  Here are a few pictures from the weekend. You probably caught a lot more on Instagram!
*Wearing my De La Hooke dress!
Here I am with Samantha of The Peak of Tres Chic.  We've been blog friends for a while now, so I was thrilled to meet her in person. She's such a doll, has the cutest Southern accent and knows so much about the world of design. I'll always cherish the time we were able to chat and laugh together. Head over to her blog for her recap of her trip to California and the conference.

Other lovely gals I don't have a picture with, but was able to meet were:
Anne of The City Sage 
Erika of Small Shop Studio
Gaby of Savvy Home
Irene of Design Stiles
Erica of EMI Design
Dee of Murphy Deesign
Jennifer of Jennifer Chong Studio
Amanda of Amanda Carol at Home

What a fun few days! I'm wiped. And now I'm on a flight to Northern California to visit my family for the weekend. The fun just doesn't stop around here.  
Have you been to a blog conference or meet up lately?!

Have a wonderful weekend! What are you up to?


  1. Ahh this looks like so much fun! Love all of your outfits... I always feel kind of panicky when I think about what I would wear to one of these!

  2. Looks like a great time! I love that striped dress of yours!

  3. Jealous...I want to go to a design bloggers conference! Looks like you had a great time :) and that creme brulee looks delish!!

    XO Samantha

  4. You're gorgeous! Sounds like you had so much fun :)

  5. That looks like such a fun time! I love your dress :) Always a fan of stripes.

  6. So fun! It's always great meeting blogging friends!


  7. Great recap, Michaela! Seeing a photo of that creme brulee again makes me want MORE. So lovely to have met you at the conference. xo

  8. You are the prettiest Michaela, this is your dream conference haha :)

  9. Looks like you had an amazing time and you having the cutest outfits on as always! Happy weekend sweet friend :)

    1. Aww thank you! Happiest of weekends to you as well :)

  10. It looks like such a great conferenc and you all look beautiful! Have a great time visiting your family! :-)

    1. Thank you, Anneke! Can't wait to see them and the pup!

  11. You are seriously beautiful and I love everything you wear! Looks like you had a great time!


    1. You are way too kind! YOU'RE the beautiful one! We had a great time :)

  12. Can you please tell me where you got that perfect striped dress? :)

  13. you look absolutely gorgeous!! and i want to meet the L&G gals - they seem so fun! glad you had a great time xo

  14. SO great :) You got to hang out with two of my favorites!!! I just love Alexa & Sam :) I can not wait to attend a blogger's conference & it looks like alt summit sf will be my first! Happy weekend to you, Michaela! XO Brynn

  15. There doesnt seem to be a lot of blog conferences held here in Australia, or Perth specifically. I wish there was I would definately go! Looks like you had a great time and got a lot out of it. Im insanely jealous! s

  16. you are the stinkin cutest, miss lady!! i mean honestly. and it looks like you had such fun :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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