Friday, March 22, 2013

On My Desk No.4

Happy Friday! And can I just emphasize the HAPPY in that statement?! I'm done with finals, friends!!! 

This week I'm showing you a sneak peek image from an inspiration shoot I helped style last weekend with my friend Christine.  This is a photo I took to practice my photography for fun, so just wait until you see the final images from Christine. Stunning!

I'm also showing you a final project for one of my classes. I designed and drew this perspective drawing by hand then rendered it using markers {which is serious business, let me tell you.}  Next, I scanned it into the computer and tweaked a few things in Photoshop to get it just like I wanted it.   All of the furniture you see on the boards is the furniture I chose to put in the room, and the drawing reflects all of the specs.  I'm pretty excited about how the final product turned out, but let's just say I'm not planning to offer rendered perspective drawing services when I open my business. Anyone who has done one knows how much time and effort they take, and would probably agree :)  A labor of love, that is for certain.

Me at 10pm when I finally finished it. Proud and d.o.n.e. :)

That's a bit of what I've been up to.  I'm currently on the road driving home to the Bay Area for my Spring Break. Hooray! A whole 3 weeks with family and friends. What do you have planned this weekend?

Happy Weekend!
PS. I still have a few ad spaces left for April. Email me at michaelawarner90 {at} for packages and pricing.


  1. Your spring break is 3 weeks long? How lucky! The rendering looks amazing and you have such a skill with drawing! :) Congrats on finishing up finals!

    1. Yes 3 weeks! can't believe it :) Thank you Allie!

  2. Michaela it all look so amazing! I love your rendering, so professional! Can I ask what size your presentation boards are? I am about to put some together and am wondering what a good, manageable size would be! Congrats on finishing this project, I spy your curtains ;)

  3. You are so talented! Congrats on finishing a huge project, and enjoy your Spring Break!!

  4. Amazingly talented Michaela! Enjoy your break. You sure have earned it!!

  5. Great job! One of my favorite things in design school was the perspectives :) my last ID job involved a TON of hand drawings and renderings and I LOVED LOVED LOVED every second of it! We only did building facades and left the perspectives to 3D design software :)

  6. WOW!!! This so makes me miss design school...and it makes me want to take out all of my Prismacolors! This turned out AMAZING and you should feel so, SO proud!!! Such an accomplishment :) Congrats! Happy weekend, friend :) XO Brynn

  7. That is amazing Michaela! I love House Beautiful Mag because they often have some gorgeous hand drawn perspectives...Yours is definitely House Beautiful Worthy!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I love HB mag too because of that very reason. You are WAY too kind- not quite House Beautiful worthy, but very flattered! xo

  8. Look at you! The renderings are gorgeous, great job. Enjoy your time off! Xo

  9. Great job on that rendering! Im going to school for Interior Design and those things are tough.. time consuming.. and exhausting :) Happy Friday!

    Kendra @ openspaces

    1. Thank you Kendra! Fun to find another design student blogger :) They are tough! I'm glad it's over ha!

  10. Wow amazing job on the rendering! It looks gorgeous! Those are the prettiest plates in the first photo. Can't wait for more photos!

  11. beautiful! love your young talent, happy {soon} graduation!

  12. You're so talented! This looks amazing! Happy spring break to you!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks!! That was my favorite thing about the drawing actually :)

  14. Beautiful rendering! Markers were always a bit tricky for me-it looks as though you've mastered them!

  15. Can I live in your drawing please!! It looks amazing

    1. Eek! You're so cute. You can totally live in my drawing :) Thank you!

  16. You are such a talented interior designer! I admire you and your blog! :)

  17. Great job on the isometric rendering, just beautiful!!

  18. Oh, how nice and relaxed you must feel now :)
    Hope you enjoy your -very deserved- Spring Break! Oh btw that drawing is AMAZING! If I could only draw half of that nice!!!

  19. Okay, that looks AMAZING. But I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to offer that with design services. We had to draw a section of our entire house for residential studio, and then color render it....I was like yeaaaah no. This won't be happening in future times :) Yay for spring break!!

  20. BEAUTIFUL job girly!! You're very talented. And do I spy rainbow sherbet? ;) my favorite!

  21. You are SO talented!! I spy my fabric!

  22. To echo everyone else -- you are ridiculously talented, friend!

    Have a beautiful weekend. :)


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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