Thursday, March 26, 2015

Designer Files: Desiree Hartsock

A few weeks ago I mentioned I would be blogging for Desiree Hartsock in her "home" section of the blog every few weeks. Today I am over on her blog sharing tips for your next outdoor get-together! And guess what?! Desiree is here chatting with us all about her style! Learn how her passion for designing gowns came about, how she designed her own wedding dresses, and learn how her style translates into their home design. We share a passion for vintage details and both attended The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles.

Let's get started...

1. When did your love for design begin?
My love for all things design started the second I could pick up a crayon. I would always draw, sketch and create things, but my love for fashion design began in high school when I would make dresses for my friends. My passion for bridal and wedding gown design really grew while attending FIDM.

2. You are a wedding dress designer. How does your creative process start when you design a new dress or collection? Where do you look to for inspiration?
I am always inspired by nature and the intricate beauty of vintage details, but the process of designing for me begins with the touch, look and feel of the fabrics chosen. I get inspired by the texture, drape, or color of the fabrics and from there the designs begin to come to life. As far as creating new collections and styles, I am often influenced by different cultures or shapes, while still keeping my natural and vintage inspiration as the foundation.

3. What has been one of your biggest design challenges?
TIME! I was doing custom bridal gowns prior to creating my collection with Maggie Sottero and it was difficult to manage the time needed, due to increasing obligations during that time. Being too busy also diminishes creativity, so I had to learn how to take time out for it all...the dresses, the obligations, and for myself to stay creative.

4. You designed your own wedding gowns, which were stunning! Was it harder to design and choose a gown for your own wedding?
It was actually quite opposite. I have worked in the bridal industry as a bridal consultant for many years and have seen almost any dress you could think of. For me, I just wanted to stay true to what I liked and create dresses that were different than what I have seen. I loved wearing them! ;)

5. A design don't:
Don't over emphasize all the assets. Leave an element of intrigue that flatters in the right areas. 

6. Even though you're a wedding gown designer, we'd love to learn how that aspect of design translates into how you decorate your home. Do you prefer symmetry or asymmetry? Tell us a bit about your style.
I would say that I prefer symmetry. Just as I am inspired by nature for my designs, I am inspired by nature when decorating my home. Chris and I both love neutrals with soft grays, blues, and tans. I'm drawn to creating a soft look that is welcoming and also reminds me of living by the beach.

7. I couldn't live without _____ in my home.

Throw blankets. It's the best to cuddle up on the couch in warm blankets and watch a movie. 

8. What is your favorite spot in your house?

My favorite spot is our bedroom! It's so cozy and comfortable. I also like the personal details that make the room even more special, like our wedding photos and a conch we brought back from Antigua where we got engaged.

I'm not sure about you, but her wedding gown with the gorgeous beaded back is exactly something I'd choose for myself (one day, one day!!) Desiree, want to design my wedding gown when the time comes?! ;) Their dark blue bedroom walls are a beautiful contrast with the white bedding. I think she's right-- personal details are that perfect finishing touch on a space!

Don't you just adore Desiree's gowns?!

Head on over to to check out my guest post for her today.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Such a fun post! I love Desiree so it's fun to see the two of you teaming together to share inspiring things! You two are both so talented, gorgeous and just the sweetest!

  2. We carry some of her gowns in the bridal shop I work at. We have her wedding dress sampled in blush and it is amazing!

  3. I agree Michaela. The beaded back dress is gorgeous & vintage too.

  4. I love Desiree. Her wedding dress was absolutely gorgeous. Her style is so similar to mine so everything in this post was amazing to me.

  5. She is so lovely! I'm definitely going to have to start reading her blog more!



Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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