Thursday, April 9, 2015

Designer Files: Lark & Linen

Today I'm super excited to introduce you to Jacquelyn of Lark & Linen as the fourth edition to my Designer Files series. If you don't know her yet, start following now! Jacquelyn sure is a favorite of mine. With her impeccable style and sweet personality, I know you'll also adore her! She's here sharing her design story, where her passion came from, and what her biggest design challenge has been so far in her career. Read on!
designer files, lark & linen, interior design, style

1. What is one of your favorite home projects or pieces in your home?

Strangely enough, my favourite piece in our home is our bedroom rug. My boyfriend and I have lived together for just over four years now, and over the course of the last four years we've worked hard to cobble together a space that we're both excited to come home to. Due to budget restrictions, we relied heavily on craigslist, vintage stores and a whole lot of patience. That being said, our bedroom rug was a brand new, and most definitely pricy, purchase. When I found it, I fell in love with it instantly. We saved our pennies and it was the first big purchase we made together. It's timeless, beautiful and makes me smile the moment I see it each morning.

2. How did you get into design?
I've been fascinated with design for as long as I can remember and I can most definitely thank my mom for encouraging my passion. When I was little, I was constantly arranging and re-arranging my bedroom, painting my bathroom, installing new towel rods... and my mom gave me free range to do so. I'll never forget the day she allowed me to move our living room into our dining room and vice versa - I'm fairly certain I was only 13 - maneuvering couches and sideboards to suit my vision. She was a constant source of encouragement, and did whatever it took to help me flourish.

3. Let's get down to the nitty gritty. Stripes or plaid?


4. Geometric or floral?

Floral, in bite-size doses, geometrics in abundance
5. Symmetry or asymmetry?


6. One decorating "rule of thumb" is:

Choose the right rug size. I'm convinced, above all, that this can make or break a space. Though there are exceptions, a good rule to follow: either all of your furniture should fit directly on the rug, or the front legs of each piece should be placed comfortably on it.

7. I couldn't live without _____ in my home.

Really good bedding.

8. A design don't:

Please, from designers everywhere, don't buy a set of anything. Whether it's a bedroom set, dining room set or living room set... I urge you to leave it at the showroom. There's nothing that destroys a space faster than one that is filled with all things matchy-matchy. It removes any and all life and personality.

9. Do you have any favorite moments in your design career? Do tell!

I've had countless incredible moments so far, but I have to say that the day that I launched my own interior design business was it for me. The response was overwhelming, I landed three clients within the first 24 hours, and it was the exact boost of confidence I needed to re-affirm that I was on the right track.

10. What has been one of your biggest design challenges?

So far I've been blessed with really incredible clients who live in really beautiful spaces. I mean, no project is perfect and there will always be hiccups along the way, but so far, everything has been pretty seamless, relatively speaking. Funnily enough, designing for myself has been my biggest design challenge to date! And just when I think I've gotten it right, I feel the urge to start all over again. I suppose that being regularly inspired isn't a bad thing, but it's hard on the wallet, I have to say ;)


My biggest design challenge client is myself as well! Ha :) I also love Jacquelyn's advice on choosing the right size rug and buying sets of furniture. AMEN, sister! 

Be sure to stop by Lark & Linen to drool over gorgeous interiors, photos from Jacquelyn's travels, fun desktop backgrounds and more! If you missed any other of the Designer Files editions, check them out HERE. They include Julia Ryan Creates, Sita Montgomery Interiors, and Desiree Hartsock!

Have a lovely day!


  1. Thank you so much for having me Michaela!

  2. I love Jacquelyn already!! Her style is flawless. Thanks for the intro! xox


Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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