Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day Makeup Day to Night + Giveaway!

Happy Valentine's Day, friends!! Whatever your relationship status is, I hope you know that you are SO loved! To celebrate Valentine's / Galentine's Day, I thought I'd share the love and host a little giveaway of a few of my favorite things. 
You all probably know I've been switching over all my cleaning and beauty products to products with safer ingredients over the past few months. I was so glad when I found Beautycounter and actually fell in love with their products! I joined the team back in October and have had so much fun being a consultant (trying to be a non-salesy one at that! ;)), but the best part is I see a huge improvement in my skin's overall appearance and I feel great about what I'm putting on it. 
Today I'm sharing my simple steps for taking my look from day to night, perfectly Valentine's Day ready, as we head out to a fun interactive cooking class dinner tonight!
During the day I have some client design appointments, but tonight I'll be throwing on extra blush, some winged eyeliner, curling my lashes a bit extra, swabbing one more coat of mascara on, and layering my favorite lip sheer with my favorite lip gloss! It'll take all of 3 minutes to touch up and be ready to head out the door.
Blush I apply to the apples of my cheeks. (I have Bloom / Tulip shade and adore it)

When it comes to curling my lashes, I do it once before applying any mascara, and then again after my mascara has totally dried, so that I get the most lift possible! I just picked up this great eyelash curler at Target the other day. It's gold, which means I had to have it ;)

I apply my eyeliner, then put on mascara (in which I brush it on top and on the bottom of my lashes to make sure they're fully coated). I use the Volumizing Mascara and really like it. I do not like the Lengthening one (it's waterproof = difficult to get off and smaller brush), so just a heads up!

When I'm trying to spice things up a bit, I like to go bolder with a lip color, so I am layering this Rose lip sheer (just a little thiner than a normal lip stick) with my Peony lipgloss. 

So, that's my look! Now for the fun Valentine's Day giveaway! I'm giving away either a blush color of your choice or lip gloss color of your choice to one winner! Enter below:

All you have to do is sign up for my Safer Beauty Tribe newsletter where you'll get some helpful info about safe beauty and skin products in your inbox only once a month! If you're already signed up but want to be entered to win, please still sign up with the rafflecopter tool below! It helps me keep track of entries :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The giveaway will end this Monday and be announced Tuesday. Good luck!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
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Thank you for stopping by! If you have a specific question, please email me at I always reply to emails! Have a blessed day! xoxo

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